Battling Demons: The Green-Eyed Monster

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. ~-William Penn-~ Are you a jealous person? I am. Or used to be more frequently than I am now. For the last ten years or so I’ve been in a recovery program of sorts. Not one associated with any particular group. Just one devised by applying wisdom I’ve stumbled across in regards to my problem. Because jealousy is a problem. Or can be, if left unchecked. Once upon a time, back when Wayne and I were first dating, I didn’t check my jealousy very much at all. I let … Continue reading

Are You A Real Believer?

What is a real believer to you? Is it someone who believes that Jesus the messiah has indeed come? Is it someone who believes that God can answer prayers and perform miracles in people’s lives? James 2:19, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” Even Satan knows that Jesus is Lord. Why else would the name of Jesus Christ, our loving God, be used in cursing so much? There is power in Jesus. Satan hates this fact and has worked to remove the mention of Jesus in our society except while promoting … Continue reading

Demons and Exorcism in Jesus’ Day

Though you may be skeptical of the term “exorcism”, the occurrence of people being possessed by demons, and those demons being exorcised was common during the first century. There is not only evidence for it in the Jewish community, but also in the greater Greek world of the time. Aside from Jesus and the Apostles, the Bible refers to assistants of the religious leaders whose job it was to free people from demonic control (Acts 19). Accounts of demonic oppression and control are found in the Old Testament in the story of Saul (I Kings 4:29-34). Jews had techniques for … Continue reading

Yes, I Believe in Demons

Twenty of my fellow classmates and I sat attentively as our professor spoke. I was in a missions class listening to my teacher, who was a veteran missionary. For thirty years he had served in the country of Kenya in Africa. One day, while he was living in Kenya, several men from his village came to the door of his home. They told him that there was a woman in a neighboring village who was having some kind of breakdown. They asked if he would be able to go and look at the woman to see if there was anything … Continue reading

What Satan Wants You to Believe: Part 1

The Following is part 1 of a two part series on the lies of Satan and how he would have us believe: Deny that Jesus is who the Bible claims Him to be. Jesus is the Son of God; God manifested in the flesh (see 1 Timothy 3:16). In believing Jesus is not who He claims in the Bible to be, it would make a liar out of Him; it would make the Bible not truth, and our faith in vain. Deny the Power of God still moves today. By not believing that God can guide us, comfort us, heal … Continue reading

Tis the Season of Getting

I am going to just throw this out there;  I don’t see anything wrong with buying your children a lot of gifts.  Christmas may not be about gifts but we all know gifts help make the season bright.  If we didn’t believe that we wouldn’t give to Toys for Tots, Operation Homefront, or go into an insane amount of debt every year.  Like it or not, gifts are here to stay and I do not feel that is negative.  Who doesn’t like to unwrap a gift?  Who doesn’t like to see their children’s eyes light up when they open that … Continue reading

Why Do I Feel Like A Failure?

My ex husband is great at making me feel like a failure in my daughter’s eyes. When we first divorced he made sure to tell our daughter, over and over again, that I was the one who left him. If it wasn’t for me she would still have her Daddy, her house, her room, her school. This was all my fault. I was not about to share the stories of infidelity that lead to the divorce with my ten year old so when she said “This is your fault, you left Daddy, he didn’t want us to leave.” I had … Continue reading

The Makings of a Good Marriage

What are the makings of a good marriage? Well there are several things that are important but a couple of them really stand out to me. One is perseverance. Perseverance is something sorely lacking in many marriages today. Think about what perseverance really means. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary it means to make a continual effort or to achieve something despite there being obstacles in the way such as opposition, failures or difficulties. Isn’t that what every marriage faces? At one point or another we may find ourselves in a season of trouble and tribulation. But when we can persevere, or … Continue reading

With Freedoms Come Responsibility

You will often hear me refer to Dr. Phil as I write some of these blogs on teenagers. He does a great job at tackling some of the issues that teens deal with today. One of the running themes that I see in virtually every show of his that deals with teenage issues is a sense of entitlement. Many teens believe that they are entitled to things, not just material possessions but it can come in the way of freedom. They feel like they are so close to adulthood that they have the right to do things that adults do. … Continue reading

Love Your Teen Even When They Are Unlovable

I really love reading. Not all of my children have developed the same voracious appetite for it but I still try to find reading material that will appeal to them. Sometimes I pick up something that is not necessarily for entertainment but for their character. Most of the time when I get a book that is geared toward character development; I will hand it to my child and strongly encourage them to read it. Yesterday I picked up a book from the library that I was going to hand to my daughter but then a revelation hit me. Why not … Continue reading