The Worst Genealogy Blog of the Year

Many genealogists take time out of their research to work on their very own, personal, genealogy blog. While some of these blogs are entertaining, informative, and inspirational, others are a chore to try and read. Here are some tips to keep your blog from being deemed “the worst genealogy blog of the year”. Anyone can make a blog. There are several websites that will let you sign up and instantly start creating a blog about whatever topic you like for free. This is both good and bad. It allows every genealogist who desires to make a family history blog the … Continue reading

The Power of Spoken Words

Sometimes I have to go back to this simple fact: lots of what we say is lost in translation. The addition to that is that more of what we write is lost in translation. Being a student and practitioner of theatre I should always have this in mind. I think it is the time spent writing plays (a very writing-centric activity) that lulls me away from the reality every once in a while. I truly do believe in the power of words… but people speaking them adds so very much. It should come as no surprise, then, that things often … Continue reading

Words You Should Never Say to a Teen

There are some things that you should never say to a teen. They are statements like, “Hold on.” “We’ll talk later.” “Just give me a few minutes” and the list goes on. What exactly am I talking about? When your teen is ready to talk, you better be ready to listen. This isn’t an issue of who is in charge; this is an issue of being available at the moment your teen is ready to talk. Because let’s face it, teens aren’t always ready to do this. You sometimes lose valuable moments and meaningful conversations when you don’t stop what … Continue reading

Words from Within

A friend recently started me thinking about this as she was praying a talk about the church being destroyed from within. It’s a scary thought and yet I can see exactly where she’s coming from. Words are dangerous tools. They can do so much good and also so much harm. Ephesians 4:29-32 has some interesting things to say about unhelpful, unwholesome talk. I find it interesting that it comes straight after a passage about not giving the devil a foothold. He can so easily get a foothold on conversations with gossip, sarcasm, criticism, off color jokes – all things to … Continue reading

Active Words: Automatic vs Manual Correcting

In my last blog, I talked about Active Word’s ability to fix all of the typing errors you make, without you having to do anything but enter the information into AW one time (about a 20 second process.) When you enter these corrections into AW, it allows you to choose whether the corrections will be done automatically (“acess” becomes “access” without you doing anything) or letting you hit a “hot key” when you want the correction to be done. Knowing whether you want the correction to be done automatically or manually is about 70% of mastering AW. There are very … Continue reading

Ask a Marriage Blogger: Do You Know Where Civil Unions Came From?

I was hoping you wouldn’t mind answering a question about civil unions. You’ve referred to them in a few of your blogs and I was curious as to where this term came from? To be honest, it seems like in the last couple of years this issue is suddenly the front page everywhere and I don’t honestly recall where it came from. I get the impression I may be on the fringe of the issue, I’m divorced and considering remarrying a lovely woman that I’ve been seeing for some time now. Can you help me out here? – Curious George … Continue reading

Blogging Your Baby

In 2005, I received a beautiful journal, complete with leather covering, as a Christmas present from my wife. She bought it for me because I mentioned that I wanted to write a bit about my experiences as a father and have a conversation with my daughter. I did not begin to make entries until May of 2006, and they were sporadic at best. Then within a month or two I had stopped completely. I stared at it every day on my dresser, but the guilt was not enough to pick it up and write. How lazy can I possibly be? … Continue reading

The Community of Christ Within the Larger Community

Have you ever heard that catchy expression, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.” What does that mean to you? For us, it meant a life altering decision to live in the inner city. Our church is unique in a lot of ways, but one thing that sets us apart is that most of us live within a 4 block radius of each other. This is not at all to say that it is a requirement to do this to be in our church. . .but that as a body we have a vision to reach … Continue reading

A Blogging Mouseketeer

Working for Disney has long been a secret wish of mine, although I must confess that blogging wasn’t actually on the list of things I could do there! My real big dream job has probably now been replaced by technological advancements, which means that the animated movies are now in the hands of graphics geeks rather than old fashioned artists, so there’s probably not much call for someone to do the cell coloring anymore. A number of years back, to my great joy, I visited Disney’s MGM Studios on a day they were offering small classes in drawing Disney characters … Continue reading

Insuring Words: Plagiarism, Copyright and Publication

Plagiarism and copyright infringement has become an important liability for any writer, website owner or business with publications to consider in the modern world of media. Never before have ordinary people, citizens of the world or well educated members of a society had more freedom of speech then we do today. Personal websites, journals and Blogs have made it possible for anyone to say what they think, feel or believe. The freedom of the Internet, and home publication tools we have today, make it possible to get our ideas and words into the hands, and eyes of nearly any target … Continue reading