God Can’t Use Me

Have you ever wondered how you be used by God? Sometimes we hear people say God couldn’t use me. I’m not clever enough or strong enough or good enough or powerful or able to talk well enough to be used by God or I’m too old. As a matter of fact that last one was one of the excuses Moses threw back at God, when God called him to go back to Egypt and lead his people out, Genesis 6:30. I’ve been reading ‘Living Water’ by Brother Yun. Brother Yun is a Chinese preacher and evangelist who has spent year … Continue reading

Seven Steps Towards a Stronger Relationship with the Lord.

What can we learn from the Old Testament and God’s relationship with His people,Israel? Exodus 19:1-25. 1. In the third month after they set out from Egypt, Israel reaches the desert of Sinai and camps at the foot of the mountain. Verses 1-2. It is often when we are in the harsh situations, which feel like a desert, that God meets with us. 2. Moses goes up the mountain. The Lord tells Moses exactly what he is to say to the people of Israel, verse 3. God is always clear about what He tells His people. At times he speaks … Continue reading

Why Should I Read the Pentateuch? Part 2

Part 1 of this series discussed the reasons why many people dread reading the first five books of the Bible, and why others do not attempt it at all. The following are a few suggestions for how to read the Pentateuch and enjoy it: 1. Read larger portions (four chapters or more) in one sitting. A mistake many people make when they sit down to read Leviticus, for example, is that they read only several verses to one chapter at a time. It is no wonder that when a month later, they are still reading the same book, they feel … Continue reading

Why Should I Read the Pentateuch? Part 1

Most of the people I know approach reading the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, Genesis-Deuteronomy) with one of two feelings. Either they dread reading it, but do so out of a sense of obligation, or they start off determined to “just get through it”, and end up quitting somewhere in the middle of Leviticus. Genesis is usually pretty good reading, it is filled with many famous stories such as the Creation, Cain and Abel, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau and of course, Joseph and his coat of many colors. Even Exodus is pretty interesting with God … Continue reading