Why I Believe In A Creator

Last Saturday afternoon my husband and I decided it was too perfect a day to spend inside. We took off with our pup to the beach ten minutes away. A sky blue and almost cloudless, turned the waters of Jervis Bay a brilliant mix of turquoise and cerulean shot through with varying shades of green. Fringing the waters of the bay were the deep green bush land of Booderee and Jervis Bay National Parks. Stopping now and then to look out at the view toward the headlands and the small island perched in the middle of the blue, or to … Continue reading

What Satan Wants You to Believe: Part 2

Part 1 of this two part series I addressed the lies of Satan: Denying Jesus as God, that God’s power is no longer here with us, questioning the accuracy of the Bible, and the beliefs that people who do signs in wonders in Jesus name are all of God. So, here I’ll continue: Question what God Says. “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” By Satan causing Eve to question the Lord’s sincerity and warning about the tree, Eve justified partaking of the fruit as did her husband. Justify what is sinful. This … Continue reading

Why My Beliefs Matter

This is the second part based on a small-group series I’m working on called Values that Last. Last week’s blog was on Choosing My Standard, and this week I’ll be sharing on why our beliefs matter. How we view our world is so important because our lives are based around perception. If we believe what the Bible says to be truth, then likely (hopefully) we’ll conform to the teachings of the Word. Likewise, if we perceive life to be about feeling good, we will likely shape our ways around things that make us feel good. Views on life are critical … Continue reading

Is Life Fair?

Not often do I hunt quotes down from people that have given a great talk in Sacrament meeting, but this past week, I really wanted a copy of a quote I heard by Spencer W. Kimball read in such a talk. I thanked the speaker in my ward for peaking my interest in the lives of Book of Mormon characters by her great talk on Teancum in the Book of Mormon. But, it was the following quote that I wanted to re-read and think about: “Now, we find many people critical when a righteous person is killed, a young father … Continue reading

J. K. Rowling Learns About Her Family Tree

The author J.K. Rowling was recently in the news for something not related to Harry Potter. She was on the UK version of a popular genealogy related television program. During the episode that she was featured in, she discovered many things about her ancestors that she was unaware of. What she learned stirred up many emotions for the famous author. Discovering things that you did not know about your ancestors is exciting to genealogists and non-genealogists alike. People also enjoy experiencing this vicariously through one of the many genealogy related television programs. This is part of why shows like “Who … Continue reading

Poking Fun of Mormons

I just don’t get it. I don’t understand the need others feel to make fun of other religions. Sure, the joke now and then is one thing, but creating entire musicals, shows, books around trying to make fun of another religion seems like a waste of time. Unfortunately, I’m a member of a religion that gets made fun of…a lot. Recently, there was an article written in the Washington Post titled, “Why I won’t be seeing the Book of Mormon Musical“. He makes some fabulous points. I couldn’t have said it better myself. But, here is what I don’t get. … Continue reading

Together Time

Regular readers of my marriage blog will know I’m a big advocate of together time. All couples need that time together to revitalize their relationship. Yesterday was such a day for us. It wasn’t that we both didn’t have a million things needing to be done. We did. But nothing is more important than our marriage and we were aware it had been ages since we’d just had a day out together. We decided to go down the coast to a place called Birdland, as I discovered they had owls. I love and collect owls of ceramic, wood and glass. … Continue reading

Only a Prayer Away

Recently my darling husband went through a lot of my 78s inherited from my Mom. In the process of putting them onto CD he picked up and played several I’d forgotten about. One such was ‘Only a Prayer Away.’ This song was later recorded by Elvis but the 78 was around long before that version. I particularly like this song because it talks about thanking the Lord for everything and counting your blessing each day. As you all know, I’m being on giving thanks to God and counting our blessings. And it’s such an easy thing to do. Once you … Continue reading

Want Joy? You’ll Find it Here.

The psalms have been a great encouragement to many over the years and it’s not hard to see why. They speak to our experience of life. In Psalm 86:1-2 David recognizes his need and prays to God. Straightaway we see that when we have a need we can pray to God. What David wants in his life, which at times seems so hard, is joy, verses 3-4. We can know joy despite hardships, if we continue to trust in God as David did throughout it and recognize that God always has a plan and a purpose in it. David knows … Continue reading

Learning from Children

How often when you’ve given a gift does the person say,‘You shouldn’t have?’ But have you ever watched children when they receive a gift? They never say that! They don’t worry about whether they deserve the gift. They just can’t wait to rip open the paper and find out what’s inside. I watched my grandchildren doing just this on the weekend. Like children, we need to be willing to receive what God wants to give us. Yesterday we looked at what God wants us to pray for. But we need to be ready to receive God’s gifts when they come. … Continue reading