A Common Problem in Churches

In just about every church I’ve ever belonged to there is a common problem. Too much is left to too few people. But then it’s not just a problem with churches but a problem with any organization. What happens is a person become overcommitted, overworked and can end up burning out. So what is the solution? Maybe it’s as simple as learning to say ‘no.’ The whole problem is people can end up with a false sense of responsibility and think ‘but if I don’t do it, who will?’ No-one is indispensable. If one person does not do the job … Continue reading

We See Differently

Last week someone challenged me about what I wrote for this blog. Unless I misread his comment he seemed to suggest that because Christ died for all, we all had the same destiny – of heaven. The way I read it, that’s not what the bible, which is my authority, says. The trouble comes often because we see things differently to the way God sees Isaiah 55:8-9. We tend to categorize people as good or bad. We tend to see sins as major, as in murder and violent crimes or minor, as in telling lies, cheating on income tax, etc. … Continue reading

Ever Feel You Don’t Get it Right?

Sorry everyone, the days got away from me which is why my post for this blog didn’t go up yesterday. But in God’s timing even that worked out, because I want to share something that came up last night at bible study. Our home group has been studying Mark’s gospel. One of the things that struck me is the attitudes of the disciples. They are such an encouragement to those of us who struggle in our Christian life, which I assume is not just me but most of us. Even though they had Jesus right there with them and they … Continue reading

In a Seemingly Hopeless Situation?

Have you ever felt you are in a seemingly hopeless situation? I’m sure that’s how Martha and Mary felt too. By the time Jesus arrived Lazarus had been four days in the tomb. If ever there was a seemingly hopeless situations this was it. Martha believed if Jesus had been there this would not have happened. There is an element of accusation in her words, John 11:21. It is followed by an affirmation of faith, verse 22. Jesus encourages that faith, bringing it to a higher lever, verses 25-27. Mary’s response is similar to that of Martha, verse 32. Jesus … Continue reading