When Does Satan Attack?

Does it ever seem like just when everything seems to be going great in your life, that’s when Satan attacks you? I had a day like that recently. Things were going wonderfully. I had a good time reading my Bible and praying in the morning. My husband, children and I had a fun morning spending time together as a family. We got to go to church to help with some cleaning and preparing for a special banquet which was taking place in the evening. My husband and I spent time singing together, practicing for doing special music at church. I … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Why Does God Let Tragedies Happen?

After my daughter started crawling, I had to resist the urge to rescue her all the time. This proved significantly harder with her than with the other two because she was the first. When she slipped, when she fell, when she strained for something just out of reach, my maternal instincts screamed for me to rush to her aid. Over and over again, I repeated to myself that she needed these slipups, these errors, these trials to grow and develop. After all, if I held her hand every step of the way, she would never learn to walk on her … Continue reading

What Price a Hero?

I’m feeling stunned. I’ve just come back from watching The Dark Knight. Like a lot of people I couldn’t help but be affected by Heath Ledger as the Joker and couldn’t help but wonder whether playing a part like that every day would somehow affect the psyche of the person playing the part. Is it as easy as that for an actor to switch off? What do others think? As we left one of the part owners of our local movie theatre commented, ‘Even when he’s not on screen, you’re waiting all the time for the Joker to come on.’ … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Fortifying Ourselves against Evil Influences

Lesson #10 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual this year was “Fortifying Ourselves against Evil Influences.” What a timely message – I truly believe each of these lessons was inspired for our day. The lesson begins with a quote from President Kimball, in regard to our fight against Satan, which “is not a little skirmish with a half-willed antagonist, but a battle royal with an enemy so powerful, entrenched and organized that we are likely to be vanquished if we are not strong, well-trained, and watchful.” This military-type vocabulary really brought it home to me that, yes, this is a … Continue reading

When things Go Wrong

How do you respond when things go wrong in your life? When you pray and your prayers aren’t answered? Or worse still, the opposite of what you pray happens? This week I had two experiences of this. The temptation could be to get down in the dumps and say ‘then why bother praying. God’s not listening or doesn’t care.’ From previous experience and my relationship with the Lord, I know that is far from the case. So why do things not work out as hoped? Several reasons suggest themselves. One is, the Lord knows better than I do what I … Continue reading

Intimacy in Marriage

There is no mutual earthly commitment I can think of that is closer than marriage. Sadly, too often vows are forgotten or betrayed even in Christian homes. Couples who don’t make a regular intimate connection with each other through prayer, sex, or other quality time are leaving a door open for Satan to tempt them from a precious covenant which God has instituted. Why does Satan make such an attack on marriage? As I’ve discussed earlier in this series of marriage blogs, God has instituted marriage not only so man would not be lonely, but I believe to help us … Continue reading

Our Own Terrorist Aboard

It’s without hesitation we take this day to remember the victims of 9/11 and pray for their families. I hope these last 5 years have brought a sense of newness and found strength to those who’ve endured tragedy. May the arms of God surround you today. Inspired by our pastor’s sermon, I’d like to further elaborate about a terrorist we all have on board our own lives. An enemy that would prefer us to remain seated and calm while he takes over, keeping us ineffective for Christ, destroying as much as possible. This enemy is real. As we live our … Continue reading