Learning to Love Your Body

We all know that motherhood comes with a price. Your body goes through a remarkable transformation as it prepares to grow another human being. If you are like most of us, you probably have a few battle scars to show for it. I’ve gotten used to my tiger stripes, but I still struggle with my post-pregnancy body. It’s been almost 5 years since I had Logan and I’m still not to my pre-pregnancy weight. I envy my friends who walk out of the hospital looking like a model in their size 2 jeans again. When I left the hospital I … Continue reading

Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet

My family has been packing for a trip to Texas. So it has required me to take more notice of things that need to be organized. We were trying to decide which medications to take, such as something for car sickness, ibuprofen, migraine and allergy medicine. But finding what I needed proved to be a challenge. That’s because I realized how completely disorganized my medicine cabinet was. And I ended up having to throw out items that were past their expiration date. So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to clean it out. That required emptying it first. … Continue reading

Who Are You, Really? The Reflection of Disconnect

When technology doesn’t work and we can’t do anything to fix it, we tap into feelings of anger and frustration, of being out of control of something we believe is vital to our well-being. When did we surrender that much power to inanimate objects, allowing them to wreak such havoc in our lives? It’s as if we really do want to believe in fairy tales and have decided technology is our surrogate happy ending. When we have our technology, we will live happily ever after. We have tied technology to personal happiness, which is unwise. Happiness in life should never … Continue reading

Mapping Your Bedroom with Feng Shui

In my last blog, I introduced you to the ancient Chinese method of Feng Shui. I explained that it is supposed to help bring good health and balance to your life. The bedroom is the place where Feng Shui is mostly used. Of course, you can do this with any room. But as an example, we are going to be looking at how you map your bedroom with Feng Shui. One of the reasons why the bedroom is a popular room for this principle is because it helps to create that sanctuary we need. It is where we rest, sleep … Continue reading

Family Heirlooms that Keep You Warm

Most families have at least one or two family heirlooms that they treasure. They might take the form of photographs of relatives, jewelry from an ancestor, or your great grandmother’s china dishes. In my family, we have heirlooms that keep us warm, and that we can fall asleep with. I am talking about the crocheted blankets that my grandmother made. One of my grandmothers loved to crochet. I have memories of her spending hours crocheting while watching television. She seemed to have an endless supply of brightly colored yarn, and an equally endless supply of family members that she wanted … Continue reading

Two Cost Free Ways to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

My real estate friends tell me that it is not impossible to sell a home in a short period of time, it just depends on the home. Still, with the housing market the way that it is, you don’t want to spend a lot of money getting your home ready for the market, but you don’t want it to sit out there forever being passed over for other houses that are also for sale. Use some smarts and a little elbow grease to make your home stand out among all the rest of the housing inventory, and do it for … Continue reading

Cleaning Out Your Backpack

After going through a divorce it is easy to get bogged down with negativity. We begin filling our backpacks with rock after rock after rock and before long, the weight on our shoulders is keeping us from moving forward and climbing the mountains before us. When I was going through my divorce my self-esteem was at an all time low. Every morning I would look in the mirror and start piling the rocks in my backpack. “Nobody is going to want me now.” Clunk! “I’m not pretty enough.” Clunk! “I’m not skinny enough.” Clunk! “I couldn’t keep my marriage together. … Continue reading

Putting Some Spring In Your House

When the weather starts getting warm I start getting that spring cleaning/home improvement madness that will plague me until September. Cleaning my house is not enough, I want a change, and I want it to be a noticeable change. The easiest way to make a change is to paint a room. I love to paint, wait, no I don’t. I think I love to paint until I start moving furniture and taping the room off and then I remember I don’t like it but I’ve already bought the paint. By that time I’m already into it and really, once all … Continue reading

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

This summer my 7-year-old daughter got her first taste of the Smurfs. I took her to see the little blue creatures’ movie in 3D and my brother purchased her Seasons One and Two of the animated 80’s show on DVD. I knew she wouldn’t count Smurfette as one of her favorites, but was surprised her fascination with Vanity Smurf. “Why does that Smurf always look in the mirror?” my daughter asked after watching an entire episode in which Vanity stared at and subsequently kissed his reflection more than a dozen times. Hmmm… how does one explain the habits of a … Continue reading

The Right Way to Add Mirrors to Your Home

Mirrors can add a lot to your home, from making it seem larger to offering a convenient way to check yourself before you leave your home. But to make the most of the positive power of mirrors, make sure to place them purposefully, strategically and in the right shapes and sizes for the space. You don’t want to wind up with a dated or unflattering look (remember the wall of mirrors that was so popular in the 80s?). First Select Your Area Where do you want to place a mirror, and what do you want its purpose to be? An … Continue reading