What About the Pastor’s Wife?

People vary in their opinions of what a Pastor’s wife should and should not do in the church. Many people feel that she should be heavily involved in the women’s ministries in the church. Some go so far as to expect her to coordinate the nursery, the kitchen and the mission’s closet. I, however, have a different view of the role of the Pastor’s wife. I believe it is unfair for church members to have their own job description for the Pastor’s wife for several reasons: 1. The Pastor’s wife is not an employee of the church. Though she may … Continue reading

The Unpaid Worker

The attitude of some churches concerns me. Sometimes it comes from the pastor or minister in charge and sometimes it can come from the congregation. Years ago friends of ours, where the husband was assistant minister, were criticized severely because his wife wanted to keep working and therefore didn’t have time to do the things the church expected her to do, things like running the ladies’ bible study. Their main objection seemed to be ‘but that’s what the assistant minister or minster’s wife has always done.’ That is without doubt the weakest reason to ever keep doing it. Just because … Continue reading

Disciplining Your Kids

A lot of parents assume that when someone talks about disciplining their kids that they mean spanking. Spanking is only one alternative in a whole arsenal of options for parents. Parents have time-out for younger children. Older children can go to their rooms, have the privileges taken away, and the ever popular grounding from outside, or from certain activities (which sounds a lot like removing privileges). These discipline techniques are all external. By that I mean that these are consequences that a parent imposes on the child as an external measure, while the parent hopes that the child will internalize … Continue reading

God’s Spoilt Children

We’ve probably all met spoilt children. How does a spoilt child act? They are demanding selfish, insisting on their rights and their own way and show little regard for the feelings of others. But what about ‘God’s spoilt children’ as a friend of mine calls them. ‘God’s spoilt children’ who are they? So often I hear from pastors and others in full time ministry about the expectations laid upon them by others. Sadly, I don’t just mean those outside the church who come knocking at the door at all times of the day and night, bringing their needs. Of more … Continue reading

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire – Jim Cymbala

Jim Cymbala is the pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, a New York based church which has grown to a membership of over 6,000 with branches in several states. His wife, Carol, is the director of the Grammy-award winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. They were not always this successful, however, and in this nonfiction book, Pastor Cymbala tells us of his journey and how he achieved the things he has. Toward the early years of his marriage, which were also the early years of his life as a pastor, he was doing all right in his small church when word came that … Continue reading

What is the Role of the Deacon?

Deacons serve different purposes in different churches. Some churches have deacons which act as an authority over the Pastor. The deacons are the final decision makers and nothing significant may be done in the church without their approval. In other churches, the Deaconship is more of a title. The men who hold the office are relatively uninvolved in the happenings of the church, other than attending an occasional meeting. They may function only as the rule of advisor to the Pastor. The passage from which we gain insight into the role and responsibilities of a Deacon is I Timothy 3:8-13. … Continue reading

A Flock’s Responsibility to Their Shepherd

Scripture gives us a clear picture of the duties of the Shepherd, or, Pastor of a church. His responsibilities are outlined for us in Ezekiel 34:2-6. However, the Pastor, simply because he is an “employee” of the church, is not the only one who bears any responsibility. There are two primary verses in scripture which refer to our duty, as laymen and women, to our Pastor. “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.” Hebrews 13:7 The world is full of authority … Continue reading

A Pastor’s Responsibility to His Flock

Ezekiel 34:2-6 gives us a picture of a Pastor’s responsibility to his congregation. The passage gives us both the “do’s” and the “don’ts” of a Pastor’s ministry. “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?…but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again … Continue reading