The Prayer That Never Fails

The prayer is ‘Thy will be done.’ Recently I came across this is a novel by Jan Karon. At the time it made sense and didn’t sound so hard. But then God, as He so often does, made me put it into practice. In our family a situation occurred where this was tested to the limit. I spent a lot of time pleading, cajoling, arguing and trying to convince the Lord to answer my prayer the way I wanted Him to. I found endless reasons why it would be better for everyone the way I suggested. In the end I … Continue reading

Allow for Differences

Just recently I’ve been struck again by how often Christians compare themselves with other Christians. Sometimes it is to our detriment. We feel we are not as gifted, as spiritual, as friendly, as prayerful or serving as much as they are. We might feel their prayers are being answered, while ours are not. But perhaps the problem could be more than we are not listening to or liking the answer we’re getting. Just because God answered someone else a certain way in a certain situation does not necessarily mean He is obliged to answer us the same way. What is … Continue reading

The Greatest Love Story

Valentines Day- the day for lovers has been and gone. All the restaurants in the area had special Valentines Day lunches and dinners offered, some with a free rose or glass of champagne. Shops made a fortune encouraging people to but expensive gifts to show how much they loved their Valentines. Thanks to our media we hear a lot about love and from books we learn about the great love stories. Among the great love stories of Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, etc there’s one love story that stands out. It surpasses all of them and it involved the … Continue reading

The Value of Conversations

Something struck me yesterday while doing a spell check after writing an article. I’d meant to write ‘conversation’ but because I’m the world worst typist – dyslexic fingers, it came out not even close. As a result spell check suggested I meant ‘conversion.’ But that error actually made me think. How often do conversions of family or friends or neighbors come about because of conversations? Statistics in Australia show the majority of people are invited to church or church activities by a friend. It also shows that most people come to know Jesus and commit their lives to Him, which … Continue reading

Some Good People Are Not Going to Heaven

Some good people are not going to go to heaven. That’s what God says. Take a look at John 3:17-18 and you‘ll see that God has laid down the criteria of what it takes to get into heaven and it’s not what many of us expect. And it’s hard. It’s hard to think of people we love who are not going to be there. Not because they’re not generous, kind, loving, thoughtful, committed to their family and spouse, because they are. I was talking to my husband about a guy we know who is all those things. He’s what the … Continue reading

Start the Year Right

A new year is a good time to think about our Christian life and our relationship with God. A good place to start could be with Psalm 119. With 176 verses, there are lots of great verses in this psalm, but the ones I am focusing on today and next week are verses 9-16. In these days of home renovations, renovations of marriage and what people expect from it, we need to think about renovating our lives. There’s not one of us who doesn’t have something that needs to be changed in our lives. The best way to do that … Continue reading

Take Stock

As we look towards a new year, it is a good time to take stock and to reflect on how our Christian life is going. Sometimes when people are trying to lose weight they can reach a plateau and they end up staying there and never manage to lose that last bit. The thing that usually happens then is they go backwards and can end up putting on the weight they’ve lost and sometimes more. A similar thing can happen in our Christian life. If we do not keep striving to grow and mature in our Christian life, we can … Continue reading

Ever Wonder Why You Bother?

Do you ever wonder why you bother? Sometimes I do? And it’s usually when things don’t turn out the way I expect. I suspect some of you are no different. We go into a situation, we pray for guidance and we have our own ideas of how we want God to answer the prayer. That had been my case. I’d prayed about a situation and then acted in faith. Months went by and I kept faithful in prayer and hope. Unlike the situation mentioned in the prayer that never fails, then the answer came and it was what I expected. … Continue reading

Keep On, Keeping On

Years ago in Australia we had ad for some paint and the slogan was, ‘keep on keeping on’ I have to say at this point, advertising fails on me. I remember the slogan but never remember the product. I do know it’s much the same in the Christian life we need to keep on, keeping on. Sometimes people might ask us to pray for them because they don’t think God will listen to them. I had a friend say to me once, ‘I don’t pray. God wouldn’t listen.’ Of course I could have replied ‘How much notice did you ever … Continue reading

Get Off My Bench!

If you are like most Latter-day Saints I have observed, you probably tend to sit in the same seat every Sunday. Every once in awhile, you walk into the chapel and realize that someone (probably a new person or a visitor) has committed the unpardonable sin – they have sat in your spot! Of course, you don’t want to be rude, but how can you get them to move without looking like a complete and total idiot? 1. Walk over them. Go up to the row and start to sit down, then freeze and say, “Oops, I didn’t see you.” … Continue reading