Dishonesty and the Little White Lies

What are little white lies? I’m sure all of us have used them from time to time. Aren’t they the little half-truths that aren’t intended to hurt anyone? Satan is full of these deceptive sugar coated lies and most of us may find ourselves eating them (some of us literally) on a daily basis. It’s true not all white lies are done with malicious motives. Making up a story to conceal a surprise party, or telling your children that Santa brought some of the Christmas gifts for them, are hard for me to personally justify. I struggle with the deceit … Continue reading

Are Christians called to be Tolerant?

What do you think? When I read about Jesus I see a man that accepted those who wanted Him. Though He did accept them where they were, He did not condone their sin. Take for example John 8:1-11. The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman who was engaging in adultery. Jesus told them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Of course the accusers left. None of us are without sin. Jesus followed up saying to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Jesus acknowledged … Continue reading

The Occult and Christians

The book of Ephesians goes a little into spiritual warfare. If you don’t believe in a spirit realm, I ask you to really examine why. There is too much evil in our world today, and yet so many miraculous things happening that it’s impossible for me to believe differently than the Bible states. God gives us very clear instruction through out the Word not to have any dealings with various aspects of the “dark side”. He is not out to prevent us from having fun, but rather wants us to protect our souls. It’s so important for us to remain … Continue reading

The Way Out From Dangerous Paths

Yesterday we looked at the gravity with which God views astrology, sorcery, fortunetelling and such. Does that mean God can never bring a person out of such a background? No it does not! Like any other sin, God will forgive if the person truly repents and puts their trust in the Lord Jesus. The bible sites an example in Acts 16:16 where Paul, in the name of Jesus, rescued a slave girl from the practice of divination and fortunetelling, Acts 16:16-18 More recently it was the case in Australia, where God rescued Merryanne Sumner from new age practices that included … Continue reading

Dangerous Paths

Our world has a fascination with astrology, physic phenomena, fortunetelling and the occult. Just look at the TV shows which are, or have in the past, littered our screens. Shows like Charmed, The Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Medium etc. Pick up almost any magazine or newspaper and you will find astrology pages, often along with other pages about asking psychics for help, or fortune tellers or interpretation of dreams etc. This is without even mentioning the internet and mobile phone and text messages. According to today’s world you can find a mate by the stars, garden by the stars, choose the … Continue reading

Pet Horoscopes: What’s Your Pet’s Sign?

I find astrology really interesting. I know some people would argue it’s evil because it goes against the teachings of their religions. I have no idea whether it’s bad or not. I just know astrology predates many of those religions and that even presidents as recent as Ronald Reagan have consulted astrologers to guide them in their daily affairs. I also don’t know if there really is something to the way the stars and planets are lined up that affect us, but I have noticed a couple of things. One, when it’s a full moon people do tend to act … Continue reading

Speaking in Tongues

Growing up, our family attended a non-denominational Pentecostal church where speaking in tongues were practiced. Having heard tongues regularly in the church I was not uncomfortable around it. I just didn’t fully understand its purpose. I questioned why tongues were used and interpretation was given in the church when we all spoke English in the first place. For those who’ve never heard speaking in tongues, it sounds much to me like any other foreign language; there are various syllables quickly uttered. Our family stopped going to church when I was in about the fourth grade. I didn’t hear speaking in … Continue reading

Demonic Doors

Demonic oppression happens a number of ways. We as believers genuinely in Christ cannot be possessed by demons because what fellowship has light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). This does not mean that we can’t open doors for demonic oppression in our lives. As a Christian, I believe the Holy Spirit will guide us to truth as we seek the Lord. God is gracious to work in us, changing our hearts to desire what He wills for us. Still, not everyone is receptive or at the point in their walk where they discern things in their lives that can draw … Continue reading

Finding Moderation

I really think finding moderation in life is an ongoing part of our Christian walk. I’m not talking about finding grey areas or being lukewarm; I’m talking about avoiding “religious” extremes that can pull you far off the center of what Christian faith should be. To further bring clarity to where I’m going here, I want to state that I don’t think we can truly serve God too much, but I do believe God calls us to balance within our servitude. When I first felt the presence of the Holy Spirit impact my life in an amazing way, I was … Continue reading

What Made the Wise Men Wise?

Who were these Magi, also known as “wise men” who came to Christ? These men were believed to be Zervanism, a religious branch of Zoroastrianism which was pagan in essence worshiping the god Ahura Mazda, whose name in part means intelligent or wise. The men were astrologers as well, likely studying the heavens as part of their religion. Though traditionally we see three wise men pictured in the nativity scene, the Bible gives no exact reference to how many actually came to see Jesus. We know there were three types of gifts that were brought for Christ: gold, frankincense and … Continue reading