The Importance of God’s Word

The book of Nehemiah shows us, among other things, the importance of reading, and obeying God’s Word. Nehemiah 8:1-8 As Ezra reads God’s Word, the people praise God. The people gather and Ezra reads God’s words to them. All morning he reads to them and the Bible says they ‘were attentive’ to the Word, verse 3. They also worshipped the Lord. Some Things to Think About How important is God’s Word to you? Reading God’s Word should encourage us to worship Him. Have you read God’s Word today? If not, why not take time to do it now? What has … Continue reading

Something To Hold On To

I love how the gospel accounts are so different, each one inspired by God but reflecting the personality of the individual. The logical and ordered mind of Luke, the doctor, set out to write a factual ordered account to help Theophilus as well as anyone who reads this gospel, understand more of Jesus. Interestingly Luke was not a Jew, yet the starts his account with the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of the one who would prepare people for the Savior God would send. This was John the Baptist. Luke had obviously got a lot of his information from … Continue reading

Dreams and Visions

God spoke to people in Old Testament times in dreams and visions and even in New Testament times by this manner, does this mean we can expect God to speak to us today by dreams and visions. I don’t believe it necessarily does. Yes, I know there are those that will disagree about his and that people have written books about how we can still expect God to speak to us in this manner today. These people will say that God hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Certainly that is true. So what has changed? What … Continue reading

Why Celebrate Easter?

Most everyone loves having a few days off at Easter and they love Easter eggs. Many of us will probably eat way too much chocolate. But how many people stop and think about why we celebrate Easter? Do they even know? Have you ever talked to your friends about why we celebrate Easter? The world wants to depict Easter with Easter bunnies and eggs and while that can be fun, there is a deeper significance to Easter that many people are not aware of. One idea I liked of getting the message out there came, from a teenage girl at … Continue reading

Does It Matter What You Believe?

In Philippians 3 we saw our confidence needs to be in Jesus. This flies in the face of much popular thought today, which tells us ‘it doesn’t matter what you believe so long as you believe in something’ and that ‘all roads ultimately lead to God.’ This is not what the Bible, teaches. And the Bible is our authority because it is not the words of men but it is God speaking to us. People can be sincere in their beliefs, but be sincerely wrong. Paul found that out. He was a sincere. He was not only a Jew trusting … Continue reading

Two Kinds of Workers

The other day we looked at the way Jesus used a parable to teach something about God. We saw How God, the landowner, called workers into his vineyard and they obeyed. God calls people to work for Him. Have you obeyed? In the parable we saw some of the workers were not called to work until the eleventh hour. In other words, they had not been given the opportunity to work earlier. There are people like that in our churches. They don’t just see a job and get in and do it. They wait till they’re asked. Perhaps there are … Continue reading

What’s Most Important?

Author Mem Fox has created a furor recently by declaring that putting infants in child care is tantamount to child abuse. Of course the comments received critical reaction from working mothers. Recently I was reviewing a book called Before your Teenager Drives you Crazy, Read this! Author, clinical psychologist and parenting expert from New Zealand, Nigel Latta said ‘who we are at 3 years of age is who we are at 26, and odds on at 56 and 86 as well.’ In other words, a child’s personality is shaped during those early years. Surely that should convince couples to make … Continue reading

Living The Christian Life In The Public Eye.

Living the Christian life in today’s world is never easy. It is even harder for celebrities or sportsmen and sportswomen in the public eye. I’m sure this is true for Christian athletes training and preparing for the Olympic Games. One such person is Allyson Felix. Allyson is the daughter of an ordained minister. Being the child of a minister often puts extra pressures of their offspring as friends of ours can testify. People sometimes seem to judge those whose parents are in ministry more harshly. The pressure to decide it’s all too hard living the Christian life and competing must … Continue reading

Why My Beliefs Matter

This is the second part based on a small-group series I’m working on called Values that Last. Last week’s blog was on Choosing My Standard, and this week I’ll be sharing on why our beliefs matter. How we view our world is so important because our lives are based around perception. If we believe what the Bible says to be truth, then likely (hopefully) we’ll conform to the teachings of the Word. Likewise, if we perceive life to be about feeling good, we will likely shape our ways around things that make us feel good. Views on life are critical … Continue reading

The Faithful Christian Life

In my previous blog I wrote about what the Bible teaches is necessary to become a Christian. This blog will focus on the importance of living the faithful life after becoming a Christian. A verse that always comes to mind when I am thinking about living a faithful life as a Christian is Revelation 2:10 which states: “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Although within the context the passage is talking about those who might be put to death because of their obedience to Christ, this passage indicates the necessity of remaining faithful … Continue reading