Psychological Effects of Trying to Stay Young

The media is obsessed with the way stars look as they age and they delight in printing unflattering shots of a time-ravaged Madonna or a paunchy Harrison Ford caught unawares on a remote beach. As our society often looks to the stars, literally, as role models, many of us try to emulate their looks, including the stars increasing pursuit of youth. But how emotionally healthy is it for us to relentlessly chase the fountain of youth? The milestone age of 40 is a big one for most of us. It reminds us that we are no longer truly young, and … Continue reading

The Effects on a Community

Firstly, sorry for the silence yesterday. I was too ill to lift my head off the pillow to join you all. In Lyn’s blog she detailed results of a survey on the effects of a happy, healthy marriage not just on the husband, wife and children, but on the community It set me wondering about this passage from 1 Samuel 8. The bible tells us nothing about Samuel’s wife and their marriage. Or about his sons until we come to the passage in 1 Samuel 8 when Samuel was old and appointed his sons judges over Israel, verse 1. Then … Continue reading

Amica Insurance Has Tips to Beat the Heat

It is Summer, and the weather is hot! Many parts of the United States are currently experiencing a heat wave. High temperatures can be very dangerous, and even lethal. Amica Insurance has some tips that can help you beat the heat, stay cool, and stay safe this Summer. I’ve been getting email from friends and family who live in the Midwest. All of them have noted that the temperature has hit the 100’s, and that it is way to hot to even consider going outside. A quick glance at Twitter tells me that my friends, across the nation, are also … Continue reading

Why Faith Makes All the Difference to Your Teen

Faith or religion may not be anything you talk about in your home or with your teenagers, but that doesn’t mean they don’t think about it. Teenagers are in the midst of asking important life questions, such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” These are spiritual quests, regardless of whether they’re thought of in a traditional religious sense. I believe that every person, whether self-identified as religious or not, has these spiritual thoughts. It’s why my counseling philosophy is called ‘whole-person’ – emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual. When you treat the whole person and address each of … Continue reading

October is Anti-Bullying Month

October is National Anti-Bullying Month. Children who have special needs are especially vulnerable to becoming a victim of bullying. Now is a good time for parents of kids who have special needs to investigate what your child’s school experience is like. One way to bring awareness to something is to have an entire month dedicated to it. October is National Anti-Bullying month. To me, this seems like an excellent choice of month to bring awareness to this particular problem. The new school year started a few weeks ago. Now is a good time to remind people about the effects of … Continue reading

What we (don’t) know about ECT

The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) often conjures up pictures from One Flew over the Cookoo’s Nest: being strapped down and electrocuted feeling all of the pain and terror one could imagine. Yet for years now ECT has been quietly used behind the scenes for patients with depression that has been unresponsive to “standard” treatment. The procedure itself, and the side-effects, are nothing like what our imaginations conjure up. In fact, for the most part it is considered relatively safe. So why is ECT still demonized in popular culture? Recently, the FDA classification of ECT devices has been looked at. … Continue reading

New hope for the depressed?

When working with those who are chronically depressed one thing many in the field worry about is “self-medicating”. It is not unusual for those with chronic mental health problems to turn to alcohol and other drugs when they have nowhere else to turn for help. Medication can be expensive, and therapy can be difficult to get to. So when I read recently that researchers were looking to “club drugs” for possible answers to depression I can’t say that I was totally surprised. Many drugs are known to cause depression after the initial “high”, or cause depression in the first place, … Continue reading

Don’t Let Your Child Become a Bully

Bullying in this country has been out of control for years. For many children it is an everyday occurrence. So who are these bullies and how did they learn to behave this way? Many bullies are just insecure children trying to fit in at school while others are just plain mean with no compassion for others. How do you keep your child from being the kid who other kids fear? Teach Your Child Compassion Children learn by example. If you make fun of people who are different, your child will learn to do the same. Encourage your child to be … Continue reading

Introduction to Disney Addiction

“The fairy tale of film — created with the magic of animation — is the modern equivalent of the great parables of the Middle Ages.”—Walt Disney Hi, my name is Angela and I’m a Disney-holic. I got hooked when I was small and I still go see the studio’s movies in the theaters, by myself if need be. For my formal introduction on this blog, I wanted to share a little bit about the role Disney’s had in my life. Disney means a lot of things to a lot of people—production company, ultimate theme park, greedy global conglomerate—and while I’m … Continue reading

Green Magazines

Even though I write a green blog, I still like to learn new green practices as well as keep up on current green news. Of course, the Internet provides a great number of resources, but there are also green magazines. Here are a few examples: Mother Jones Mother Jones magazine is known for its investigative reporting that that includes green issues. Editor-in-chief Roger Cohn took over in 1999 and helped move the magazine towards environmental issues. Before joining Mother Jones, Cohn was executive editor at Audubon. Cohn has since left to serve as editor of YaleEnvironmental Online, but Mother Jones … Continue reading