One-Step Actions that Yield Big Savings

While all of the little things that we do on a daily basis can add up to great savings, sometimes we just need to find a way to make a big impact on our finances. For example, we may be experiencing a pay cut or loss of income, or facing a large expense, such a new furnace for the home or braces for a child. In these moments, we need a quick one-step action that will yield big savings. My husband and I are pushing to build up our emergency fund, just as prices for everything seem to be going … Continue reading

The Little Things

My daughter’s teacher has the following quote taped on the front of her desk:  “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were big things.” Despite seeing the laminated saying each time I walked my daughter to class, it took me a good two months to fully grasp the meaning of that single sentence. As busy parents trying to keep our heads above the choppy waters of life, it’s easy to dismiss the little things our children do  What’s more, it’s even easier to ignore the many opportunities we have to strengthen … Continue reading

Two Small Budget Home Improvements that Make a Big Impact

Owning a home means that there is always something to fix or to improve. Living in our homes, we tend to see all of the things we would like to change. Homeowners can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars on home improvement projects each year. Most of us, however, don’t have the luxury of an unlimited home improvement budget. Does that mean that we have to forego improvements completely? Of course not! Small budget home improvement projects are quite possible. In fact, if you know where to apply your money, you can experience big changes in your home for … Continue reading

Every Little Thing Counts

Many times when we think of saving money, we think in terms of the biggest impact. This can be a good strategy. If you can find a way to save hundreds of dollars per month, say by paying off debt, you can get on top of your finances much faster. At the same time, we shouldn’t neglect the little things. They can really help you to save money and get ahead. For example, if you spend just ten minutes each morning (or the night before) making homemade lunches, you can easily save $30 to $50 or more per week, which … Continue reading

Small Changes That Can Make a Big Difference

With all of the attention that big-picture financial issues like the debt ceiling, social security, retirement planning, the real estate market, and so on, it can sometimes seem like the small financial decisions that each of us make many times each day do not have all that much of an impact. Those little things do matter, though, because both the good things and the bad things add up over time. By recognizing that even small financial decisions can greatly affect out big picture financial situation, we can learn to treat those every day choices with more care. Suze Orman, a … Continue reading

Grant Yourself Little Treats

There have been times in my single parent life when it was all I could do to make sure the basics were covered—food, shelter, education, healthcare, etc. I have had my share of typical life setbacks and there is a temptation to let these experiences make me very thrifty and very cautious with my finances. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but like all things in life, a person can take it too far… Little luxuries can go a long way when it comes to keeping one’s spirit up and reminding yourself that you are not just here to … Continue reading

Kids Notice How we React to the Little Things

How I wish that I could be gauged on how I rise to the big occasion; how cool and calm I am in a time of crisis—unfortunately, my kids don’t always remember how I saved the day in those rare amazing times, it is my everyday personality—the way I cope (or don’t) and react (or don’t) to those ordinary details upon which life is built. Our children are always watching and they will forgive us blundering up some of the big things if we are true and steady in the very day… I know that there are some parents who … Continue reading

Pets Blog Week in Review: 3/17-3/23

Courtney usually handles the Week in Review duties, so bear with me while I fumble my way through a look back at March 17-23 in the Pets Blog. Monday, March 17 I’m a big fan of mythology, and the story behind the origins of the Pekingese breed is an interesting one. Check it out! The Iditarod was won in just nine days by Lance Mackey — a man who has survived throat cancer and gone on to win numerous dog sled races. Tuesday, March 18 A day late for St. Patty’s Day, I took a look at how you can … Continue reading

Balancing the Big Picture with the Daily Details

There is no getting around the fact that parenthood and family life is full of daily details—in fact, one could argue that when it comes to raising children it can seem like it is “all in the details.” BUT, being able to get away from the details and daily concerns once in a while and see the “big picture” can be a parent’s road to sanity… Does this really matter in the BIG PICTURE? If I don’t mop the kitchen floor today or correct my child every single time he has his elbows on the table during meal time is … Continue reading

Author Interview — James Rada Jr (part three) A Few of His Favorite Things

Thanks for joining us for our third and final installment in our interview with award-winning journalist and author, James Rada. If you missed parts one or two, click here to catch up. Jim, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us about how you became interested in writing historical fiction. What’s your favorite thing about it? I like learning something new. At this point in time, I’m writing about American history so with each book or article I write, I learn something new about my country. I like seeing how things that happened in the past have impacted the … Continue reading