Teaching Respect

Have you ever been in a public place and watched a young child, or even a teenager talk to his or her parent with a complete lack of respect? I always feel bad for the mom but I feel worse for the child. Someone has taught him that this behavior is not only acceptable, but a normal way to get what you want. As a single mother it’s hard to be the only disciplinarian but we must do it. How our children treat us now is a reflection of how they will treat us and other adults when they are … Continue reading

Adventure to Inspire – Homeschool Blog Review

Over the last month, I’ve had the chance to talk with ToriAnn Perkey, homeschooling mom who runs the blog Adventure to Inspire. As we’ve chatted, we’ve investigated her reasons for choosing homeschool for her family, and today I’d like to talk about the blog itself. I was first introduced to the blog by her husband, Josh. I’m usually a little leery when someone says, “Hey, my wife blogs. Check it out.” But I’ve known and respected Josh for a long time, so I headed on over. What I found was an awesome resource. There are articles sharing thoughts and ideas, … Continue reading

Are You Enabling Your Adult Child?

What exactly does it mean to “enable your adult child?” What the act of enabling does is to actively prevent your child from achieving appropriate developmental milestones as they age. Thus continually refusing to make your child/teenager/young adult take responsibility for their omissions and commissions of duty effectively leaves them as underperforming adults. In simpler words, if you do not make your 8-year old carry his or her plate to the kitchen after a meal and dispose of it according to age-appropriate behaviors, you are allowing that child to remain emotionally at that age, in that area of responsibility, longer … Continue reading

What To Teach Your Children About Marriage

What should you be teaching your children about marriage? What is the best way to go about teaching them are two questions to look at. Here are some things I believe we should be teaching our children about marriage. Marriage is not something that should be entered into lightly. Marriage between a man and a woman is a lifetime commitment not just until you get tires of the person or bored or it becomes too hard. Marriage is not for the faint hearted. It needs time, effort selflessness and work to make a great marriage. Don’t go into it thinking … Continue reading

Encouraging Children to Insist upon Respect

Respect can be a big issue in families. In fact, it can be a big issue for many of us in various aspects of our lives—at work, with our extended families and friends, or even with strangers that we might come in contact with. We all want to be respected, and we may ‘demand respect’ from our children for our authority as parents, but are we actually teaching our children what to expect in terms of respect for themselves? Sometimes, I think that respect can be one of the more confusing aspect of family life. As parents, we demand respect, … Continue reading

What Impression Do You Want to Give Your Students?

The first time that you and your students meet you will both begin to make judgments on one another. Just as you begin to pick out the trouble makers and class clowns, the students will begin determining what type of teacher you are. When teaching you create your classroom environment and your image among the students. You set your own image with the way that you dress, the way that you speak and the way that you move. With these things you can create most any image that you desire among the children. However if you are not being true … Continue reading

What Kind of Relationship do You Want to Have with Your Kids in the Long Run?

We can get so caught up in the minutia of every day—those details of feeding, cleaning, discipline and communicating—that we forget to keep at least one eye on the long term. The choices we make today, and the way we parent and interact with our children right now will have a lasting influence on the type of relationship we have with them in the long term. While we really need to parent our children as they are today, it can be helpful to put some thought into what we would like our relationship with our child to look like 5, … Continue reading

Respectful Listening

We expect our children to treat us parents with respect–we want them to speak respectfully to us and learn how to behave in a respectful manner to other adults and people. However, how we treat them can model that same respectfulness we are trying to teach. Do we listen respectfully when our children try to talk to us or tell us how they feel? Do we listen to others respectfully? Respectful listening is important for adults and parents if we want our children to learn how to behave with respect too… I have written before about how I believe that … Continue reading

Why Teach Respect?

There is much more to teaching than the core subjects such as math, science, and literature. An academically sound person is not necessarily a productive and successful adult. Children need to learn more than ABCs and 123s. As a teacher, academics are very important to me. However, I do not always consider my smartest student to be my best student. It is much more impressive for me to meet a kindergarten student that refers to me as ‘Ma’am’ and uses words such as ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ than it is for me to meet a kindergarten student that is reading on … Continue reading

Are You Enabling Your Adult Child?

What exactly does it mean to “enable your adult child?” What the act of enabling does is to actively prevent your child from achieving appropriate developmental milestones as they age. Thus continually refusing to make your child/teenager/young adult take responsibility for their omissions and commissions of duty effectively leaves them as underperforming adults. In simpler words, if you do not make your 8-year old carry his or her plate to the kitchen after a meal and dispose of it according to age-appropriate behaviors, you are allowing that child to remain emotionally at that age, in that area of responsibility, longer … Continue reading