Scriptures that Strengthen Me as a Mother

Being a mother is one of the biggest responsibilities in this life. It is not an easy one. It is stressful, and complicated, and tests your patience like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It is wonderful too, but sometimes, I think we as moms need to be reassured, strengthened, and shown love. Unfortunately, we don’t always get that from the little people we take care of. But, there is one person that is there for us, and that is our Heavenly Father. Today I was thinking about some of the scriptures that bring me strength as a mother. And, I immediately … Continue reading

His Infinite Patience

Imagine you’re watching a new baby learn how to walk. She pulls herself up and wobbles around, trying to find her center of balance. She takes a hesitant step forward, only to lose control and flop backward on her bottom Do you get angry with her? Of course not. She’s just a baby, and she has so much to learn. No matter how many times she gets up and tries again, only to fall, you are patient with her. You know that in time, she’ll figure it all out, and you’re content for that day to arrive. Now imagine our … Continue reading

Patience Can Be Hard to Cultivate

Sure, we are always hearing about patience! As parents, we KNOW we should have more patience–with our children, with ourselves, with the untalented drivers we encounter on our morning commute. We know this, but finding a way to cultivate patience in our parenting lives is an entirely different matter… As for my struggles with patience issues–I find it far easier to be patient with my kids (most of the time) than I do to be patient with myself. Over the years, I have learned more about waiting for the right time for things, saving and being able to delay gratification … Continue reading

Developing Patience

Patience is a virtue that we are often encouraged to develop. It is something that is essential to becoming more like Christ. But what exactly is patience. The dictionary define patience as “quiet steady perseverance; diligence.” This definition explains a lot of what is meant by the patience that is described in the scriptures. It can be difficult to develop patience. It is easy to lose your temper or complain when a situation is not going the way that you want it to. It is easy to lose your patience when you are asked the same question over and over … Continue reading

General Conference: “The Power of Patience”

In his talk “The Power of Patience” Elder Robert C Oaks speaks about the importance of developing patience. He opens his talk by referring to Mormon’s description of charity, which can be found in Moroni 7. He points out that four of the eleven characteristics of charity involve developing your patience. Elder Oaks then goes on to point out that Job was an excellent example of patience for each of us. He also goes on to talk about the example that Christ set while he was on the earth. He showed patience when he suffered the Atonement and was crucified. … Continue reading

Book Review: A Woman’s Power

When I heard about the book, “A Woman’s Power: Threads That Bind Us to God” by Fay A. Klingler, I jumped on the chance to read it. My life right now seems chaotic, and disorganized. Having a new baby in the house for the third time has turned my world upside down. I don’t have a lot of spiritual time to myself, and I was grateful for the opportunity to read a book that I was hoping would give me a spiritual boost. And it did. Fay Klingler shares some of her own life experiences as well as experiences of … Continue reading

Within the Lord’s Expectations

Today at church, something was said during the lesson in Relief Society that made me think about how we should live our lives. I have to confess that I missed the beginning of the lesson from coming in late. But, nevertheless, it was a good lesson that made me think, and that should always count for something! The teacher spoke of living somewhere in the middle of the Lord’s expectations. Not above, and not below. Well, often when we think of exceeding someone’s expectations, we think that is a good thing. But, if we think of the Lord’s expectations, what … Continue reading

General Conference: “The Great Commandment”

In his talk “The Great Commandment” Elder Joseph B Wirthlin speaks about the one thing that sets apart from others. He begins by sharing the account of Paul writing to the Corinthians and urging them to develop charity for each other. He goes on to speak of the Christ’s answer to the Pharisees when they asked what the greatest commandment was. Christ replied to love the Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbors as yourself. Elder Wirthlin speaks about Joseph Smith who taught: “A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his … Continue reading

How Not To Give Advice

If you want to know how not to give advice, take a look at the book of Job. For anyone who finds themselves in a counseling situation, this book is invaluable. We have been studying the book of Job in our home bible study group. Rather than going through it in a chronological way, we were encouraged to read the book through to get an overview, then we have been looking at each of the characters and what they have to say. Job’s wife is only seen once during this book. It is far from a flattering picture. She is … Continue reading

Striving to Improve

We can all strive to improve in an area in our lives. It may be that we need to focus more on studying the gospel. It may be that we worry too much, and so we need to focus on trusting the Lord more. It may be that we need to learn to be more kind to others and to ourselves. It is easy to allow ourselves to become wrapped up in the overwhelming need to be better, instead of just working on what we need to change. Here are some tips to help you move forward without feeling overwhelmed. … Continue reading