The Occult and Christians

The book of Ephesians goes a little into spiritual warfare. If you don’t believe in a spirit realm, I ask you to really examine why. There is too much evil in our world today, and yet so many miraculous things happening that it’s impossible for me to believe differently than the Bible states. God gives us very clear instruction through out the Word not to have any dealings with various aspects of the “dark side”. He is not out to prevent us from having fun, but rather wants us to protect our souls. It’s so important for us to remain … Continue reading

On Homeschooling and Religion, Part 2

In my last post I talked about how homeschooling benefits Conservative Christians. I mentioned how homeschooling helps teach my children our faith freely. I also mentioned that while I enjoy this freedom, I also feel I have the responsibility to teach my children scientific theories as well as other religious philosophies. I imagine that I am not the only Christian homeschooler who feels this way. I have always discussed and taught my children things that did not necessarily mesh with my faith. Take Greek Mythology for example; which I started teaching as early as second grade. My son simply asked … Continue reading

A Theory on the Universe

I have a theory on the universe I thought I’d share here. I may be so far off that many will think I’m nuts, but like I said, it is just a theory so thanks for hearing me out. Many people have opinions of outer-space; how big it is, whether other life forms exist, how big God is… I really think God’s ways, specifically referring to creation here, are so beyond our puny minds that we will never have it figured out. A friend of mine told me an interesting theory she had about aliens. She believes there could be … Continue reading

Looking at the Stars

A few blogs ago I started an extension of my evidence series dealing with ways you can show your kids evidence for the existence of God. I think that looking at nature and the universe is a great way to show the existence of God to your children. First of all, most children are completely intrigued by things in nature and the universe. Secondly, the world we live in is God’s beautiful creation. From the intricate details of a flower petal to the grand mountain ranges to beautiful sunsets, God can be seen all around us. In the previous blog … Continue reading