Triumph over Evil and Hate

Sometimes you read a book or watch a movie or play that resonates with your Christian life. Last night was like that for me. Last night my husband and I, along with two other couples, went and saw The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. You’ll find more info about it here or in the marriage blog. But one thing that struck me was not just the story but the theme of the play which is the triumph of good over evil, love over hate. And isn’t that what the gospel message is all about? People disobeyed God and their … Continue reading

Ritual and Rules or Relationship?

Jesus taught that Christianity is about a relationship, not the keeping of rules and rituals. Jesus warned his disciples they would be cast out of the synagogues, for following Him rather than abiding by the rules and laws of the Jewish religion, John 16: 1-4. Jesus’ prayer, for his early disciples and for us, is that we may be one with him and with the Father, John 17:20-23. That’s relationship! If we look back earlier in John’s gospel we see another example of Jesus in relationship with his people. Jesus taught He was ‘the good shepherd.’ He is our shepherd … Continue reading

The Ten Commandments Series: The Fifth Commandment

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse twelve we read: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. We have all been given parents, not only to bring us into this world, but to raise us according to the light and knowledge they have been given. It is the parents’ job to teach us the Gospel, keep us fed and clothed, and to give us a sense of security in this unsure world. We as children are to be loved and cared for, and when we become parents, … Continue reading

Creating a Spiritual Home Environment

It is important to have a home that is conducive to feeling the spirit. A home, which is this way, will be more inviting to those that visit. It will help your family to get along. It will give you opportunities to teach your children about the gospel on a daily basis. Here are a few suggestions to help you have a positive home environment. 1) Keep your house clean and orderly. This can be difficult, especially if you have young children or a large family. You can have your children help pick up their toys, and put their things … Continue reading

You Know You and Your Hubby Have Lost Touch When…

Marriage requires a continual effort to stay emotionally “in touch.” Without a commitment to spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical connectedness, the relationship just might morph into something you no longer recognize. Just for the fun of it, I’ve written fifteen indicators that you and your husband have lost touch in your relationship. Excuse my strange sense of humor, and hey…guys…forgive me for writing this from a woman’s point of view. It’s the perspective I know best. (A little sensitive, are we?) You know you and your hubby are a bit out of touch when… His last compliment was, “You actually … Continue reading

For The Love of Weddings

Genealogists love weddings. Attending a wedding is a joyful event in and of itself, but for genealogists, it holds the promise of making new connections and unearthing new information about the happy couple and the families that are joining together as a result of their union. Weddings provide a wonderful opportunity to get to know the new additions to the family and catch up with relatives that you may not have seen in a while. Weddings have come a long way since our the days of our ancestors’ ancestors. Early marriages were sometimes a result of capture, not of choice. … Continue reading

Half Truths Can be Dangerous

Half truths can be dangerous. They can be just as dangerous as an out and out lie, maybe even more so. The half truth is often one that casts doubt on God, or in some way waters down the message of the gospel, or the image of the God of the bible making Him into more human image. The half truth talks about God as being a God of love and while that’s certainly true, it’s not the whole truth. He is also a God of judgment. The half truth insists a God of love would never consign people to … Continue reading

Cutting Clutter Can Be Simple

Whenever I am faced with clutter or even the idea of bringing something new into the house, I try to ask myself, “Who are you?” Knowing who I am and want I want to do makes it simple to lose the clutter. Here is what I mean. First decide who it is you are or want to be and what it is you want to do. What do you love doing? Do you like to network with other people? Do you enjoy being a caregiver to your children? Are you an artist? Do you like country? Get a clear sense … Continue reading

A Common Tautology

We hear people claim that they are ‘born again Christians.’ What exactly does it mean? Aren’t all Christians born again? I believe they are. There is no other sort. To say ‘born again Christian’ is a tautology, i.e. saying the same thing twice. You either are a Christian or you’re not. You’re either born again or you’re not. The expression ‘born again’ comes from John 3 and the encounter of Jesus with Nicodemus. We find a similar idea in John 1:12-13, ‘But as many as received Him,’ ( Jesus) ‘to them He gave the right to become children of God, … Continue reading

Where is Your Confidence?

Everyday people place their confidence in things. For example when we cross a bridge we have confidence it will hold up and not fall down. Everyday we put confidence in people. Children place their confidence in their parents. As they get older they might place confidence in their peers or in pop stars or sports stars. And young people are often told they need to have confidence in themselves. But the truth is that many of these things and people we place our confidence in let us down. So what can we rely on? The only safe place for our … Continue reading