Putting Anger Aside in a Hurtful Situation

I love the way when I’m writing about a topic, God provides an opportunity for me to put into practice what I am writing about. This week I found myself hurt and upset about a decision made by someone else, which affected me. When I told my husband what had happened and how I was feeling, about this incident involving another person in the community, he listened to me and then he played devil’s advocate.‘Suppose it wasn’t quite like you’re thinking. Maybe it was just a lack of communication between you and the other person,’ he said. He pointed out … Continue reading

How to Find the Secret of Contentment

Do you struggle to find contentment in your life? We’ve all heard about the age old line about the grass being greener elsewhere. But sadly people often find out after they’ve tried it, after they’ve broken up a marriage or moved house or changed job or whatever it might be that is causing their discontent, that this is not the case. A simpler solution rather than chasing new experiences is to learn to be content in the situation we are in, which often appears easier said than done. So how can you find contentment? Is it even possible? The apostle … Continue reading