Allowing Teens to Learn from Their Mistakes

I think one of the most painful things to deal with as a parent is allowing your child to make mistakes. Now this isn’t the way every person parents. Some choose to exert so much control over their children’s lives that there is no room for mistakes to happen. But I tend to think this isn’t actually good for a child. At the same time, I struggle with allowing my children to make mistakes. Despite the necessity of it at times, I would much rather protect them from such. But I am beginning to really learn the importance of sometimes … Continue reading

Protecting Your Child from Mistakes

You can’t always protect your children from mistakes. Sometimes you’ve got to let them go, trusting God to uphold and undertake for them. It’s not easy. I know. Letting go is something I struggle with, but I’ve had to learn to do it. You have to trust that you have brought them up so that ultimately they will make the right choices and not make decisions that will endanger their lives. It might mean making choices we won’t agree with, like dating a non Christian or them becoming involved in activities we would rather they did not or that we … Continue reading

Lighthouse Parenting Provides Stable Beacons

Lighthouse parenting is one of many different parenting styles. The overall goal with this parenting style is to provide your teenagers with a stable beacon that they can turn to for guidance. It is a balance between protecting your teens from harm and giving them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. The lighthouse parenting style was created by Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MSEd. He has a book called “Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust”. In the book, he describes lighthouse parenting by saying that parents should be like lighthouses for their children, “beacons of … Continue reading

Why Kids and Smartphones Don’t Mix

No one said using a smartphone is a sure-fire way to avoid making stupid mistakes. I’ve covered the not-so wonderful side of technology in previous posts.  However, this latest gem goes beyond falling down manholes or setting expensive texting records. If you are a parent, you now have another reason to safeguard your smartphone when your kids are around. Paul Stoute is living proof that protecting your cellphone from little fingers is one of the smartest parenting moves you can make. The Oregon dad is the new owner of a vintage car, thanks to his toddler daughter’s cellphone skills. Or, … Continue reading

8 Things Kids Need to Know about Money

It is never too early to start teaching your children about money. While many parents shy away from discussing financial issues with their kids, this can be one of the biggest mistakes that they make. Instilling good habits and a basic understanding about how finances work can give your child an edge that will stay with him or her for a lifetime. 1. There is a difference between the things that you want and the things that you need. Wants versus needs can be a tough concept for kids to understand, but teaching them that real necessities must be met … Continue reading

Five-Month-Old Suffers Serious Sunburn

As my family prepares to fly to the southwestern part of the United States for a vacation, I’m consumed with packing and preparing for the trip. A number one thought in my mind is how to best keep our baby cool in the hot temperatures while still protecting her from the sun’s rays. As we plan to spend some of our time sightseeing outdoors in temperatures in the mid 80’s to 90’s, this is a real concern. Apparently, not every mother shares this concern. In a story that is sure to twist your stomach and cause emotions ranging from disbelief … Continue reading

Do You Want to be Smarter?

Do you want to be smarter? In all our relationships, in marriage, in parenting, in friendship, in our Christian life and our work life, we all need wisdom. So where and how do we get it? In this blog you’ll find the answer. Wisdom is essential if we are to successfully negotiate our way through this life and the problems it throws at us from time to time. Some people take the way out of trying to peek into the future by reading their horoscope or having a reading of tea leaves or going to a fortune teller. All of … Continue reading

Allowing Consequences to Unfold

Sometimes I think “intervention” should be the parent’s middle name. After all, we are forever coaching, teaching, advising, and coaxing our children to grow up to be happy, caring, decent individuals and, as I tell my children–citizens. BUT, sometimes we really do have to hold ourselves back and not intervene. We do have to allow for some consequences to unfold naturally in order for our child to get the full and lasting effect and lesson. Of course, I am not talking about situations where safety is an issue or where the natural consequences will do lasting harm or damage, but … Continue reading

Self-Respect Verses Self-Esteem

The nurse at my school recently came into each kindergarten class and took the weight and height measurements of the students. She takes these measurements and determines the child’s body-mass index. Parents can use these measurements to determine if their child is over or under weight. Mike Beede, the new governor of Arkansas, says that these types of statements should not be sent home to a child’s family. He concludes that it might lower a child’s self-esteem to determine that he/she is not the appropriate weight for his/her height and age. As our world gets harsher and harder, we are … Continue reading