Not Taking Life For Granted, But Finding the Blessings

In Lauri’s media blog she talked of Anna Quindlen and ‘A Short Guide to a Happy Life’ and the importance of taking note of what is happening around you and how it is ‘a great reminder to not take life for granted, to notice those moments and even to purposely make room for them.’ Really, it’s all about noticing and finding the blessing of each day. This is by no means comprehensive but only a select few blessings I found to thank God for this week. 1. A week filled with music – from the hymns and spiritual songs in … Continue reading

Notebook of Blessings -part 2

Here is the continuation of my notebook of blessings. An orange browallia transplanted and given to me by a dear friend after the one I bought died. This one is healthy and growing so well in the pot near our front door. The way this plant reminds me of my Mom as she always had orange browalliasin the garden as I was growing up. The bible study group we are part of and the way it is growing in numbers as well as the way each of us are growing in our walk with God. For the studies we have … Continue reading

Notebook of blessings

A comment on my last blog and a visit to Courtney’s blog inspired me to think about a notebook of blessings. I hope as you read you will be inspired to create your own list of blessings. I praise God for: The gift of love – that of my husband, family and friends and especially God’s love as revealed to is through Jesus and his death on the cross for my sins. The beauty of creation. We have not long returned from a walk down by what people here refer to as a lake but it is actually St Georges … Continue reading

Learning from the Bible

In the letter to the Philippians, Paul and Timothy labeled themselves as servants of Christ? Is this the way we would describe ourselves? Their message is to the Philippians but it applies equality as much to us Christians today. Paul thanked God for the church at Philippi and the company of believers, Philippians 1:3. How long since we remembered to thank God for our church and the people in it? Do we take time to thank God for those people who are special to us? Are we, like Paul and Timothy and the Philippians, participating in the spread of the … Continue reading

What I Learned from a Child and a Football Match

When God wants to teach us something he mainly uses His Word, but that’s not the only means at His disposal. God can use whatever means He chooses. He is God. Recently I learned something about God and the way He sees things, from a child and a football game. A young boy had gone to his first game of AFL (Australian football.) As he sat in his seat in the stands watching, he said to his father. ‘It’s different to watching it on TV. On TV you only get to see one little piece of what is happening on … Continue reading

Gratitude In Life and Marriage

Gratitude is an important aspect of life, and especially married life. It is important that our spouse knows that we are grateful for them, for their love and support. The recent visit for the Watoto children’s choir, their gratitude and love for life started me thinking about the things that I am grateful for. I’m grateful for: My husband I am grateful for Mick’s love and support. I am grateful for the relationship we have. I’m grateful that he loves me, and that he holds me and listens to me. I’m grateful he is there to talk through problems with … Continue reading

Showing Love of Life

How much do you take your marriage and your life for granted? Is it obvious from your attitudes that you are happy in your marriage and that you love life? This was brought home to Mick and I last night as we went to a concert by the Watoto Children’s Choir. For the first time in ten days Mick was able to stand up and walk a little and so we went to the free concert. The Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda consists of children made orphans through Aids. As they told their stories in between singing and dancing, you … Continue reading

More Tips for Dealing with Stress in Marriage

Here are some more tips to help you deal with stress in your marriage and your life. Spend time each day deliberately not thinking about the negatives and what is wrong with your marriage or life, but look for 1-3 positives each day in your marriage and in your life. When you start looking for positives I’m sure you’ll find some. A gratitude journal is a good idea for keeping an eye on the positives on your life. Listening to music soothes our soul as one of our local choir songs reminds me. Sing along. Who cares what it sounds … Continue reading

Want Joy? You’ll Find it Here.

The psalms have been a great encouragement to many over the years and it’s not hard to see why. They speak to our experience of life. In Psalm 86:1-2 David recognizes his need and prays to God. Straightaway we see that when we have a need we can pray to God. What David wants in his life, which at times seems so hard, is joy, verses 3-4. We can know joy despite hardships, if we continue to trust in God as David did throughout it and recognize that God always has a plan and a purpose in it. David knows … Continue reading

Doing Ourselves out of Great Benefits

Have you ever given someone a gift and they didn’t thank you? Don’t you feel it’s unappreciated? Imagine how God feels when we don’t thank Him for the gifts He gives us. Since we are created in God’s image and we know we feel when a gift is unappreciated, it’s not unreasonable to suspect that God is far from happy when we don’t acknowledge his gifts and thank Him for them. Deitrich Bonhoeffer points out that we could be doing ourselves out of great benefits by not thanking God. He says, ‘we prevent God from giving us the great spiritual … Continue reading