Ignoring God’s Promptings

Have you ever felt prompted NOT to do a certain thing but went ahead anyway? Or you felt a prompting to do something but didn’t? Afterwards you realized you should have listened to that inner voice. A while back I had such an experience. For our 40th wedding anniversary my husband bought me a beautiful ring. I wanted to wear it to a 21st birthday party. So I did. We slept overnight at our son’s place, which meant I also wore the ring to the football game the next day. Even though I felt prompted to take the ring off, … Continue reading

Did You Choose Godparents for Your Baby?

The concept of having godparents comes out of more liturgical traditions such as Catholicism. Different denominations have different “qualifications” for being a godparent. For example, in some churches it is suggested that the godparent be a member of the same church. However, I rather like the concept of having godparents–regardless of whether or not you’re religious and so bear with me for a minute here. Godparents are supposed to take the time necessary to build a special relationship with your child. They are supposed to share with them values and morals and take a vested interest in their lives. Obviously, … Continue reading

How God Answered One Man’s Prayer

We never know what the future holds or what the next moment might bring as a local and highly experienced fisherman found out recently. While doing what is, for him, a usual occupation, Bob Russo was swept from the rocks at Currarong on Sunday December 9. You might think someone who writes for Fishing World, and knows well the dangers of fishing from rocks, would have seen it coming. He did not. He looked at the weather and the sea and considered it safe to fish. But then he moved down the rock to gather weed which he uses as … Continue reading

Never Underestimate God

In yesterday’s blog I mentioned a couple of ways we can reach out to the community especially at Christmas through music. The main thing is never to underestimate God and particularly the way He can reach out to people through the simplest ways. When God wants to change a person’s life, He can cut through any barriers. Here is one example of the way God changed the life of Joko who had grown up following the Muslim religion, as had his family. Joko aimed always to set a good example for his younger brothers and sisters. That was until one … Continue reading

Christmas Carols and the Home

In our house, when we are decorating the tree and putting Christmas decorations up, it is usually to the accompaniment of Christmas Carols. Similarly when I am in the writing Christmas card stage or the wrapping present mode I like to have accompanying carols to listen to and to sing along with. This year one of the special CDs that will be played in our house over Christmas is The Gift by Susan Boyle, a present given me by a dear friend. Why play carols when I am doing these tasks? For one thing it helps put me in the … Continue reading

Don’t Put It Off

Have you ever felt that urge to pray for someone? You don’t know why but you feel prompted to pray. Can I urge you not to ignore it? The Lord God often puts it on a person’s mind to pray for someone without knowing all the details. It is enough that God knows. This week a woman in our church testified how she had felt led to pray for those in our congregation. She didn’t know why but she was obedient. Unbeknown to her there had been a serious accident. A man from our congregation had found his son lying … Continue reading

Miracle Worker

Sometimes we can be blind to the things God is doing in our world. You often hear people say, ‘If God is so powerful, why doesn’t He do something? Why doesn’t He act in the world and change things?’ You might have even made such comments yourself at times. We might wonder why God doesn’t work miracles as he did in Bible times. Let me assure you He does. Often we just don’t hear about it. But this morning some information came from the Bible Society and it clearly shows God is still at work in the world and still … Continue reading

How To Handle Disagreements – Part 2

So, you’re finding yourself at odds with someone in your church, family or neighborhood. What can you do about it? Someone once said that ‘the faults we notice most in others are those we have ourselves.’ So before we start criticizing and trying to sort out the other person and their thinking and attitudes, it’s a good idea to look at our own lives and ask the Lord to show us what needs to be changed there. Too often we are reluctant to do that. But that’s what growing as a Christian is all about, changing to become more like … Continue reading

Words That Stay with You

Never underestimate the power of music in your Christian life. I find it is a great help in reinforcing Christian truths. Last week, as our music group practiced the songs for Sunday, one of them was The Potter’s Hand. It was one I hadn’t been familiar with until I came to my current church after we moved house but the words of the song have stayed with me throughout the week like a daily prayer. Have a look at the words here and see if maybe you might want to adopt them as a daily prayer perhaps to start the … Continue reading

Resources for Learning the History of Other Cultures

When I decided to adopt from Korea, I knew next to nothing about the culture. In what little mention of them there is in books, Korea, Vietnam, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia are often presented as victim nations, poor and often governed by puppet regimes of other countries. This is not great for self-esteem. (Regarding self-esteem: I’ve always thought some women were too sensitive to non-inclusive language. I’ve always been fine assuming that “all men” included me. But as I get older I see subtle discrimination more than I ever thought I would, and I realize the power of hearing … Continue reading