Will I Ever Sleep Again?

From birth to about 5 months of age, our baby was a terrific sleeper. She went to sleep relatively easy, and she slept from about midnight to 7:30am pretty early on. We thought we had it made. We heard stories from friends and family with babies who were exhausted because their little ones woke multiple times during the night, needing to eat or be held. Every time I heard these stories, I thought, “Wow, we sure are lucky. If she’s this good of a sleeper already, it can only get better. I’ll be getting 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep in … Continue reading

Surviving Your Last Weeks of Pregnancy: Sleeping Arrangements

You only have a few weeks to go until your baby arrives, and if you’re like I was, you’ve probably got six loads of baby laundry going through the wash for the second time, a list of 25 things for your husband to clean and organize, a wet mop in one hand, and a feather duster in the other. That’s in addition to the vacuuming, scrubbing, and organizing you did last night until 3am, right? Unfortunately, all that hard work and preparation commonly referred to as “nesting” is robbing you of precious sleep. Nothing is more important right now than … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: October

As I sit here looking out my window at the backyard, the birds are hovering in the pine tree against a strong wind and steady rain. The temperature is chilly today, and the calendar reminds me that we have left October behind. October 1st Buy a Home for $1.75 It seems that the housing crisis has made some interesting news lately. Home Month in Review: September 2008 Has the weather turned cooler now that September has passed? Pretty soon, it will be time to get that heat turned back on! Meanwhile, check out all of the articles that were posted … Continue reading

Is Your Sleep Sweet?

Recently my husband went to our local jail to hold a Bible study with several of the inmates. In the course of the conversation someone asked, “How many of you are able to sleep through the night?” The men each looked at each other and shrugged. Not one of them was able to raise their hand and attest to receiving a good night’s sleep. The reason? Each man had his own burden he was carrying. Whether it was the weight of his crime, thoughts of his family, feelings of loneliness or anger, they had one thing in common other than … Continue reading

Needing Sleep?

To all you night owls out there and to those of you who just need some good sleep, this message is for you! I am a complete night owl. I could not go to bed until 2 a.m., sleep in to 11 a.m., wake up and feel great. Unfortunately for me, my family needs the structure of a “normal” day, waking at 7:30 a.m. This means I have to hit the sack no later than midnight to function the next day. I suppose I could just take a sleep aid before going to bed, but there are other things I’ve … Continue reading

When Your Child Won’t Go To Sleep

If your child has difficulty falling and staying asleep, it can be tremendously frustrating. That’s because if your child is awake during the night, you will be, too. If your tranquil evenings are constantly interrupted by a child who gets out of bed, cries, or insists on sleeping with Mom and Dad, things can get miserable fast. Special needs children are especially prone to sleeping difficulties. Here are some tips to help your child get to sleep: 1. Don’t allow your child to have sugary foods or drinks at least two hours before bedtime. If your child has bedwetting problems, … Continue reading

To Pacify or Not to Pacify. That is the Question.

I’ve blogged before about how my first child was/is a thumb sucker, and my second loved his pacifier, but finally kicked the habit, and now we have my third that I feel we are at a crossroads with. You see,  he hasn’t been a great sleeper because of his tummy issues. We’ve always felt the need to continue night feedings with him. Well, now he is 14 months old, and starting to eat more, and it seems that he is fine going without food all night long. Sounds great, right? Well, my problem is that he seems to be getting more … Continue reading

A Playdate for the Girls Part III

Lunch time was a the most hectic part of the girls’ play date. They all wanted to eat at once, which is no great surprise when three infants are involved. This whole situation was slightly stressed by the fact that we only have one high chair and a tableless bumbo. The most upset girl got the high chair. I gave her some bits of cheese and frozen organic cheese to tide her over while I made her peanut butter toast. My daughter seemed to be the least upset (and it is no wonder being in her own house) so I … Continue reading

Naptime Has Officially Left The Building

It seems like it has been ages since Dylan took a nap in his bed. In reality, the last time that he regularly took naps in his bed was at about four months ago. Even then, he did not nap every day. Once he started refusing to nap in bed, I knew that it was the beginning of the end for nap time. That was a hard thing for me to come to terms with because his nap time was always a much needed break in my day where I could get a few things done, spend some one on … Continue reading

The First Six Months of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding my daughter has been an entirely different experience from breastfeeding my first born. It took her a couple hours after she was born for her rooting reflex to kick into gear. I remember trying to nurse her thirty or forty minutes after she was born and she was not ready to latch. As soon as she was ready to nurse, she latched on really well and seemed to nurse really well. She would only take as much milk as she needed and then she would stop. Unlike, my son, who was a cluster feeder and would nurse for an … Continue reading