Why Am I Here? – Part 2

In my last blog we looked at one of the reasons, why we are in a certain place. We are in the place where we are because it is where God has brought us to. That can also mean God takes us into difficult places or situations. While I believe it is important to pray for others living in the place where we are, there is another reason God has us in that place. ‘God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him,’ Acts 17:27. So sometimes God puts us in … Continue reading

How Not to Give Advice – Part 2

When you see someone suffering do you think that maybe they deserve it? Do you think that their own sin or mistakes have brought them to this point? Or think that if their faith was stronger, bad things would not happen? This book disproves these theories because God had declared Job blameless, Job 1:8, Job 2:3. When we look at the first chapters of the book of Job, we see there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than either Job or his friends are aware of, Job 1 and 2. Consequently Job’s friends don’t understand why Job … Continue reading

Does God Want us to Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? – Part 2

Job was one Old Testament example of someone who, despite being godly, experienced great suffering and lost his health and wealth. Today I’m going to look at a New Testament example – that of the apostle Paul. No-one would deny Paul was a godly man greatly used by God, as he spread the gospel message to the Gentiles. But did God bless him with good health, and wealth? A look at several passages will reveal the answer to this. Could anyone say because he was God’s servant Paul got everything easy? Have a look at 2 Corinthians 11:24-33. This shows … Continue reading

Does God Want us to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

The basis behind what is known as the prosperity gospel suggests that God does want this and promises it to His people. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples from the Old and New Testaments to see if, in fact, this is what God promises. In the Old Testament it often seemed wealth was the result of following God. We see this in the case of Abraham and others who were blessed. But we also see God’s people sometimes struggled, when they saw the wicked doing well and being prosperous, Psalm 73. So we can’t say only the … Continue reading