Memory Verses for Adults

You might recall that I did a couple of blogs over memory verses and memory verse crafts for children. Knowing the Scriptures is just as important for adults as it is for children. As adults will have the opportunity to speak with those who want to know more about the Lord. However, we might not always have a Bible on hand (although they now make small versions that could easily fit into a purse) and it would be very helpful to know what the Bible says. In 1st Peter 3:15-16 the Bible states: “. . .always being prepared to make … Continue reading

Memory Verse Suggestions for Children

In my previous blog I talked about a couple of different crafts to make to display memory verses for children. As I mentioned before, I just recently started teaching a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. Each week I try to find a memory verse for the children that is not only easy enough for them to remember, but also easy for them to understand. Depending on the age of your child, you may need to shorten the length of the verses that I cite below. Old Testament Memory Verse Suggestions “In the beginning God created the heaven and the … Continue reading

Memorial Day Military Scrapbooks

It’s unfortunate that many of us only consider honoring our military heroes when major holidays roll around. I am guilty as charged. Often I lose sight of the fact that there are tens of thousands of men and women overseas fighting for my family’s freedoms while their own spouses, children and parents eagerly wait for their safe return. Yesterday I popped into my local scrapbook store to purchase a few last embellishments for my daughter’s end of the school year scrapbook and I passed by a large display of military-themed scrapbook supplies. The owner of the store has a nephew … Continue reading

Flower Child of Education

The other day my husband called me the “Flower Child of Education.” He was referring to my idea that one needs to “de-school” their brain in order to educate properly. One of my favorite quotes is by Mark Twain; “I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” My husband has heard me quote this many times and smiles each time at my enthusiasm for being a “flower child of education.” As a matter of fact, I love that term so much I may use it for a blog or a book someday. While, my husband intends … Continue reading

How In the World Will We Live?

This is the final chapter in the Values that Last series, though I will be doing a final blog which will be a conclusion of this blog series. First addressed was choosing our standard, following was why our beliefs matter, deciding right from wrong, living with integrity, and some scriptural support in overcoming injustice. Our pastor started out this session with a scripture from 1 John 2:16 that sets the pace for what I have to share here: “For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not … Continue reading