Decisions, Decisions

Being a single parent there is only one person who is making this decision…you and you alone. If you make the right decision you can beam with delight. If you make the wrong decision you want to kick yourself a million times over. Do you have difficulty making decisions on your own? It is always nice to have someone there who can point things out to you that you might not see yourself before you make your final decision on whatever you may encounter. Also, if the choice ends up being a good choice you can rejoice with someone. A … Continue reading

Making Decisions with God’s Guidance

How do you decide what you should do with your time, or what tasks you should take on in your church? Since we’ve been in our new house on the South Coast and even for a time before we moved, my husband and I have been praying that God will clearly show us what He would have us do in our new church and in this community and show us those activities he would have us be part of. Hospitality was one area we identified as one God asking us to work on. That we make our home available for … Continue reading

Ever Wonder Why You Bother?

Do you ever wonder why you bother? Sometimes I do? And it’s usually when things don’t turn out the way I expect. I suspect some of you are no different. We go into a situation, we pray for guidance and we have our own ideas of how we want God to answer the prayer. That had been my case. I’d prayed about a situation and then acted in faith. Months went by and I kept faithful in prayer and hope. Unlike the situation mentioned in the prayer that never fails, then the answer came and it was what I expected. … Continue reading

Dreams and Visions

God spoke to people in Old Testament times in dreams and visions and even in New Testament times by this manner, does this mean we can expect God to speak to us today by dreams and visions. I don’t believe it necessarily does. Yes, I know there are those that will disagree about his and that people have written books about how we can still expect God to speak to us in this manner today. These people will say that God hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Certainly that is true. So what has changed? What … Continue reading

Working Together

Church was always intended to be a number of people working together, using their gifts and talents for the common good, 1 Corinthians 12:4-31. Sadly this is often not the case. Too often a few people are left doing too much. And then sometimes too, people refuse to delegate or let go of jobs, allowing others to do them but want to keep control. It’s a situation that can work both ways. Notice how different the picture is in Nehemiah 3. Each family group had their own specific area of work and expertise. They all knew what was required and … Continue reading

Pray First, Then Act

The book of Nehemiah is not long – only 13 chapters, but it contains a great deal that is relevant to Christians today. In a way it is the other side of There’s a Need, So What? In Nehemiah 1 we see how God helps Nehemiah identify a need and then act upon that need. Jerusalem and its walls had been destroyed in the Babylonian invasion. Nehemiah hears from men from Judah about the situation facing the remnant that ‘had escaped and had survived the captivity,’ Nehemiah 1:2. When he heard the sad state of affairs, Nehemiah wept and mourned. … Continue reading

There’s a Need – So What?

In my last blog we looked at how God wants workers not shirkers. So you’ve been asked by someone in your church or community to take on an area of ministry or service. Should you dive right in, even if you’re not sure about it, because you have been asked and because there is a need? I know some churches would advocate that if there is a need you should fill it. But and as far as I’m concerned it’s a big BUT… Never mind what someone else thinks you should be doing, is it what God wants you to … Continue reading

Out of Place

Have you ever met someone and you know their face is familiar and you know them but can’t think where from? I have great difficulty with this one, especially if I can’t place the person in the right context. It happened recently. I saw a guy at choir and couldn’t determine if it was someone I knew from tennis or not, because he was dressed differently. In the end I realized it was. This weekend my husband kept thinking he knew this guy but couldn’t figure out where from. It turns out he is our new mayor and his face … Continue reading

Without a Song

In the forum we’ve been talking about favorite hymns and church songs. Valorie commented she liked the old hymns because the theology is so rich. I agree. There are important bibles truths come out in some of those old hymns and so beautifully expressed. How could I have forgotten ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ – an absolute gem, though I like the version with the words, ‘Be thou my dignity, thou my delight,’ rather than some of the other versions that omit these words. When I was doing the music in my previous church I always specified we use these words. … Continue reading

Dreams and Desires Fulfilled

My talk on Saturday started off with my childhood dreams. At varying times in my life I wanted to be a wife and mother, a writer, a singer, a teacher and a missionary. Now anyone who knows me knows I’d be the world’s worst in a missionary situation. I am literally terrified of anything that creeps or crawls and much prefer my own home than being away. Over the years those childhood dreams had been pushed aside. I’d forgotten about them mostly. But God hadn’t. When I look back at those desires I had as a child of being a … Continue reading