Hearing versus Listening

I always thought I was a good listener when it comes to my husband.  In fact, I would even say that I offer some pretty great advice.  But listening and hearing are two completely different things. For months and months I was hearing my husband complain about the medical bills.  We, like many others, don’t have the best health insurance.  It seems every time we’ve finally started to make a dent, something else comes up and a trip to the doctor sets us back. Then my husband started to get depressed about the medical bills.  I felt bad for him … Continue reading

Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part I

When I think of times in my life where I have felt the Holy Ghost strongly, and knew that I was being guided, I cannot help but think of my mission. Before my mission, I had felt the Holy Ghost many times. Of course I had to have that confirmation from the Lord to even go on a mission. So, in some aspects, I knew what the Holy Ghost felt like. But, it wasn’t until I was a missionary that I really learned how to not only truly seek the Holy Ghost, but to recognize the promptings of it, and … Continue reading

Learning the Real Rules of Life

I recently finished reading “The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own” by Ken Druck, sent to me in exchange for a review. This is probably one of the most life-impacting books I have ever read. In fact, I plan on reading it again but taking more time with it. There was so much to take in and the opportunity to really apply what you read. I greatly appreciate not only the effort that went into this book but the heart as well. “The Real Rules of Life” was written after the author’s loss of his 21-year-old … Continue reading

More Lessons on Learning to Listen

The other day I wrote about how I am still learning to listen. This is especially true in my relationship with my teen daughter. I referred to a book I am reading, “The 7 Desires of Every Heart.” One of the desires is to be heard, to be listened to. Once again something jumped off the page at me when I was reading further into the book. “Good listeners are those who don’t try and talk you out of your feelings.” Until I read that, I hadn’t recognized this as a problem for me. But I have been getting really … Continue reading

Learning to Listen

I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard my teenage daughter express in exasperation, “You never listen to me.” I am always flabbergasted and get defensive. How could she possibly say that I don’t listen? I am always here, always available. It wasn’t until I happened to start reading a book the same night we had the aforementioned exchange when I realized how right she was. I really don’t listen to her. The book is called “The Seven Desires of Every Heart” by Mark and Debra Laaser. The first chapter provides a summary of what the rest … Continue reading

Just listen!

We learn through our senses, but the most dominant of these senses is the sense of sight. Learning with other senses can enhance your child’s learning experience. Sometimes, we just need to be encouraged to use them! What do I hear when I listen from my window? I hear the sound of the Pacific Northwest rain. This June has been cold and rainy here so far, and so the little drips and sometimes torrents of rain have been pouring down outside my window. When we go for a walk, I hear the splash of my daughter’s boots in the puddles. … Continue reading

Summer Reading Series: Penny and Her Song

You won’t be seeing my daughter on American Idol any time soon. Make that, ever. My 7-year-old possesses a litany of incredible talents; however, singing is not one of them. I know. I know. How dare I make such a stinging comment about my own flesh and blood. Calm down. It’s called reality. And it doesn’t mean that I don’t allow her to exercise her vocal chords. Nor does it mean that I cringe whenever she feels the urge to make like Miley Cyrus or the kids on Curious George. Rather, I am simply not a parent who is disillusioned … Continue reading

Routines Are Good For Toddlers And Parents Too

Many toddlers (and their parents) benefit from having routines that they follow on a daily basis. Routines do not have to be rigid or make you feel trapped. For toddlers, routines provide a sense of order which helps them to feel secure because they know what they can usually expect to be happening and when. As your toddler grows, routines can even help him or her to learn things like how to tell time and days of the week. For adults, routines are a great time management tool which can help them to get the things they need to do … Continue reading

What I Learned from My Child’s Pain

What’s worse than watching one of your children cry for three hours over a broken relationship? Finding out that the one who did the breaking of the heart suddenly realized how wrong they were and wants a second chance. As I comforted my child (before the other person realized they were “wrong” for breaking up), all I could think in the back of my mind was that this must be the best thing. Because after all, that person surely didn’t deserve my child. Of course, I didn’t tell my child that but those were my thoughts. I also thought back … Continue reading

The Way We Handle Our Emotions

If you haven’t learned this already, you will…the way men and women handle their emotions is very different. But knowing this and learning how to accept it are two different things. Of course, it doesn’t always have to do with the fact that men and women are different. Personalities and characteristics come into play as well. For instance, my husband is very laidback. It takes a lot to rattle his cage. In fact, this week we dealt with a behavior issue with one of our children that almost set me off into a fit. But as my husband witnessed the … Continue reading