What Your Mother Never Told You: a Survival Guide for Teenage Girls – Richard M. Dudum

Our teenagers today are facing more pressure, more trials than ever before, and author Richard M. Dudum wants to give our daughters a clear, unmistakable message: you don’t have to conform to anyone else’s idea of what you should be. You can decide for yourself if you’re going to get involved in drugs, if you’re going to have sex, if you’re going to play into the social games. He does this in his new book, “What Your Mother Never Told You,” and he does it in down-to-earth language that can’t be misinterpreted. Several different topics are covered in this book, … Continue reading

Leaven in Your Life

How often have you heard the expression, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.”? I know I’ve heard it several times and that I have rarely, if ever taken the time to ponder the meaning, though I was vaguely aware that the principle was found in Scripture. When studying the Parable of Leaven found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:20-21, I became interested in how the concept of leaven should be applied to my life as a Christian. Leaven is mentioned several times in the Bible and, usually, with a bad connotation. For example, in I Corinthians chapter 5 Paul … Continue reading

Purging Your Kitchen Cupboards

Hopefully, my previous blog, “Refrigerator Reminders” inspired to you to survey your refrigerator and purge the items that could be potential health hazards (like fermented salsa). Personally, my own salsa incident fueled a major overhaul of the places I keep other food items–primarily the pantry and kitchen cabinets. The following are tips to help you weed out the bad and perhaps, revive the current food items sitting in your kitchen cupboards: Baking Powder and Baking Soda Toss: After 12 to 18 months or expiration on box Tip: Store in an airtight container. Don’t use wet utensils to scoop out contents. … Continue reading

Week in Review: From the ABC’s to Mom’s Law

The ABC’s of Family Bliss discussed several different attitudes and actions we can implement in our homes to provide a more loving, Christ-centered environment. Tips included things such as: Never nag, be joyful, listen without needing to comment, perceive the needs of each member of your family, and encourage your family members to serve each other. Leading a Child to Christ in 4 Steps laid out ideas on how to carefully and effectively bring a child to Jesus. You must show the child the plan of salvation from the Bible. Explain the verses and ask questions. If the child is … Continue reading