Maintaining Friends

On one of the forums recently one person bemoaned the fact that since she and her boyfriend have been together she has lost contact with friends. This is what can often happen when people become part of a couple or get married, unless we make an effort not to allow it too. We need to work to prevent this and to ensure that we maintain friendships that were formed in earlier times. We cannot afford to be cavalier with friendships and disregard them easily. True friends are a great source of blessing, help and encouragement as we go through life … Continue reading

A Disease of Epidemic Proportions

There is an epidemic in our society. A severe disease threatens our society. You might think cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and yes, they all exist, but none of them are the disease I’m talking about. It’s one that affects people of all ages. This disease is probably one you or I have experienced at some point in our lives. Maybe even at the present time. The disease which has reached epidemic proportions is loneliness. I’ve been reading Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll recently. He says ‘many people are lonely and lack the community gathering points in which they can make … Continue reading

Becoming a Better Friend

‘Isn’t that what everyone wants- to be known, to be heard, to be loved as they are?’ This quote comes from another movie starring Melissa Gilbert. It is from ‘Her Own Rules’ the adaptation of a Barbara Taylor Bradford book. The quote stopped me in its tracks. Isn’t that what I want? Isn’t that what you want? Someone who will accept you as you are and love you anyway? As I look at my calendar for yesterday it tells me in this quote from Lois Picillo. ‘Jesus cannot forget us; we have been graven on the palms of His hands.’ … Continue reading

How to Make a Friend

Yesterday we looked at how easily we can fall into laziness maintaining friendships. This prompted me to think more about friends. What makes people connect and move from acquaintances to become friends? You might want to answer this question in the forum. The biggest difference we have found since coming to our current church, is we have made not acquaintances but friends, friends we will one day share eternity with. So how can you make friends not acquaintances? Some ideas I came up with are: Taking time to listen Too often people don’t listen but are waiting to get their … Continue reading

Laziness- part 5- With Friends and Relationships

When we lead busy lives, as I’m sure all of us do, it is easy to let friendships and relationships slide and not take the time necessary to develop and cultivate our friendships. This can be especially true for the young parent whose time is taken up with the demands of children. But we need to make sure we maintain friendships. When my children were young I went to church each week. I’m not saying it was always easy but I asked God to help me and I got there. I also made sure I was always involved in a … Continue reading

Laziness – part 1 – in marriage

Laziness can be a seductive but deadly trait in just about all areas of life. It can be detrimental in our marriages, in our relationship with God, in parenting, in our service for God and our church life, in friendships and other relationships, and in our work situations. Starting with marriage, over the next few days I’m going to write about each of these areas of life. Marriage – It is easy when we have been married a while it become lazy and complacent and not bother to look attractive for them or to not make the effort to spend … Continue reading