Not Taking Life For Granted, But Finding the Blessings

In Lauri’s media blog she talked of Anna Quindlen and ‘A Short Guide to a Happy Life’ and the importance of taking note of what is happening around you and how it is ‘a great reminder to not take life for granted, to notice those moments and even to purposely make room for them.’ Really, it’s all about noticing and finding the blessing of each day. This is by no means comprehensive but only a select few blessings I found to thank God for this week. 1. A week filled with music – from the hymns and spiritual songs in … Continue reading

25 Blessings- part 1

Recently I’ve been concentrating on counting our blessings and being thankful. Everything I read lately from God’s Word to articles about writing, seems to re-enforce this idea that we need to constantly build on that attitude of thankfulness by identifying the blessings in our life. Today I’m going to start of a list of 25 blessings God has given me and I can thank Him for today. Before I start, let me say one thing, these are coming as I think of them and I am trusting God will supply me with at least that many and more. So here … Continue reading

Keeping Tabs on the Blessings

You pray and God answers, but do you take the time to praise and thank Him for those answers, even if at times you may think that is not the way you would have answered that prayer. Thankfully God knows better than we do what is needed. As anyone’s who’s been reading this blog since I started knows, my selling house and moving did not work out as we prayed and planned. But God’s plan was so much better. Some of the blessings are: For the home bible study group that started just after we came to this church. In … Continue reading

Something To Hold On To

I love how the gospel accounts are so different, each one inspired by God but reflecting the personality of the individual. The logical and ordered mind of Luke, the doctor, set out to write a factual ordered account to help Theophilus as well as anyone who reads this gospel, understand more of Jesus. Interestingly Luke was not a Jew, yet the starts his account with the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of the one who would prepare people for the Savior God would send. This was John the Baptist. Luke had obviously got a lot of his information from … Continue reading

Words That Stay with You

Never underestimate the power of music in your Christian life. I find it is a great help in reinforcing Christian truths. Last week, as our music group practiced the songs for Sunday, one of them was The Potter’s Hand. It was one I hadn’t been familiar with until I came to my current church after we moved house but the words of the song have stayed with me throughout the week like a daily prayer. Have a look at the words here and see if maybe you might want to adopt them as a daily prayer perhaps to start the … Continue reading

Learning from Children

How often when you’ve given a gift does the person say,‘You shouldn’t have?’ But have you ever watched children when they receive a gift? They never say that! They don’t worry about whether they deserve the gift. They just can’t wait to rip open the paper and find out what’s inside. I watched my grandchildren doing just this on the weekend. Like children, we need to be willing to receive what God wants to give us. Yesterday we looked at what God wants us to pray for. But we need to be ready to receive God’s gifts when they come. … Continue reading