Journal Your Way through Your Teen’s Years

Next week my children return to school. It is hard to believe that my youngest is entering his first year of middle school, my middle child is entering her last year of middle school and my oldest child has just two years of school left. I am grateful that so far my children have faired well. We haven’t experienced many problems along the way. As each year passes without major incidences I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief. Yet at the same time, as each new school year approaches I can’t help but worry some. Middle school … Continue reading

Your Journal Writing Style

Why do you write in your journal? We have been instructed to keep a record of our lives. This is important to do, and there are several reasons to keep a journal. You may find that you primarily focus on just one reason or your do a little bit of all of them. Additionally you may find that your writing style changes as you consider why you are keeping a record of your life. One of the biggest reasons many people keep a journal is it is a record that you can pass on to your posterity. If you are … Continue reading

Scripture Journals

One of my best friends has encouraged me for years to keep a spiritual journal. She urged that I make note of spiritual promptings and blessings. This is a little different from your regular journal in that it is solely comprised of things of the spirit, rather than including the more mundane items on the list. The theory is that, when you are feeling down, you can go to your spiritual journal and be reminded of the many ways Heavenly Father has had a hand in your life. While the big things – prayers about whether or not to marry … Continue reading

The Prayer of Jabez: In Conclusion

One thing is for certain, the Bible tells us that “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers”. I believe His cry out to God was worth reflecting on in the midst of the genealogy for this reason. God granted Jabez his request because what he prayed was God’s will. Jabez sought God’s blessing, wanted more from and of Him in his life. He recognized the need for God’s hand to guide him, to keep him from the works of the enemy, and humbly asked that God not allow him to cause others pain. “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, … Continue reading

Keeping a Prayer Journal

Keeping a prayer journal can be a great aid in building your faith. Journaling your prayers is so helpful in keeping track of what you have prayed for as well as serving to remind you of prayer needs as they arise. The journal can become a wonderful recorded testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness in your life as prayer requests become answered. Keeping a prayer journal doesn’t just help keep track of prayer requests but serves as a testimony of your progressing walk with the Lord. Every now and then I’ll look back at my older writings. Sometimes I’m able to … Continue reading

Worry Time

My line of work keeps me tuned in to anxiety. So does my home life. So when I come across information about anxiety I like to share. Let’s face it – even without a “formal” diagnosis of anxiety most of us experience it on some level at regular intervals. It only becomes a diagnosable condition when it negatively impacts functioning. Keeping it from becoming something that impacts your daily living can be work though. So today I saw an article about managing anxiety that jumped out at me. The article was about planning “worry time”. The basic concept is to … Continue reading

When to Pray

When should you pray? On the health blog Stephanie suggested praying while walking on the treadmill. It’s a good idea. I have been known to pray while out walking along a beach or just around the neighborhood. Of course it’s important to keep eyes open but it does help to be focused. Often things you see while walking, prompt the mind about things to praise God for or bring other people into your mind as you pass their house, so you can then pray for them. While praying when out walking can be good, really there is nowhere that we … Continue reading

Healthy Choice Dieting

I know what they say about frozen dinners. They are high in sodium, which is not a good thing. However, when you need to lose weight, Healthy Choice was what worked for me and I will tell you why. I am not a spokesperson for Healthy Choice or in any way connected to them. Healthy Choice dinners enabled me to lose a great deal of weight. Yes, too great to talk about. It is a sensitive topic with me that I would rather not remember. My doctor suggested medication for my high cholesterol. I took it one day and my … Continue reading

More Tips for Dealing with Stress in Marriage

Here are some more tips to help you deal with stress in your marriage and your life. Spend time each day deliberately not thinking about the negatives and what is wrong with your marriage or life, but look for 1-3 positives each day in your marriage and in your life. When you start looking for positives I’m sure you’ll find some. A gratitude journal is a good idea for keeping an eye on the positives on your life. Listening to music soothes our soul as one of our local choir songs reminds me. Sing along. Who cares what it sounds … Continue reading

Learning from Children

How often when you’ve given a gift does the person say,‘You shouldn’t have?’ But have you ever watched children when they receive a gift? They never say that! They don’t worry about whether they deserve the gift. They just can’t wait to rip open the paper and find out what’s inside. I watched my grandchildren doing just this on the weekend. Like children, we need to be willing to receive what God wants to give us. Yesterday we looked at what God wants us to pray for. But we need to be ready to receive God’s gifts when they come. … Continue reading