Dealing With Jealousy – part 2

Yesterday we looked at some reasons for jealousy. But what of you are jealous of someone’s appearance? If you are jealous of another person because of their appearance, stop and analyze your own good qualities. These may include good cheekbones, a smile that lights up your face, expressive eyes, a good figure, a beautiful head of hair, etc. Whatever your best features are, try and make the best of them and draw attention away from those areas you do not consider to be as attractive. If is because of their appearance you need to realize you are never going to … Continue reading

Dealing with Jealousy – part 1

Yesterday we looked at examples of jealousy in the Bible and the destructive situations jealousy can cause. We only have to look around us on any given day to see jealousy at work in our world, between siblings and family members, work colleagues, neighbors, film and TV stars, sportspeople, the list goes on. We might even struggle with jealousy in our lives. Where does jealousy stem from? It often stems from our own insecurities and lack of self confidence or fear. What is jealousy? According to Webster, the word jealous means “resentful and envious, as of someone’s success, achievements, advantages…” … Continue reading

Jealousy and Its Close Relatives

Jealousy is an extremely destructive emotion that often leads to other sins. The Bible recounts a number of incidents of jealousy. Here are a few from the Old Testament. Rachel was jealous of Leah because her sister had children by Jacob and she did not, Genesis 30:1. Joseph’s brothers were jealous because Joseph was the favored son of his father, Genesis 37:11. Saul was jealous of David for the praise and popularity he had with the people, 1 Samuel 18:7-9, 16. David’s prosperity because God was with him and not Saul, 1 Samuel 18:14-15 provided another reason for Saul’s jealousy, … Continue reading

What Joseph’s Coat Taught Me

Last week in Sunday School, the lesson was on Joseph of Egypt. As we read through the story and pondered some of the points of the story, our teacher asked why we thought Joseph’s brothers were so ready to be rid of him. Several people gave great answers including the thought that the brothers were probably jealous about Joseph’s obvious favor in his father’s eyes and the blessings he had been given and promised. Then the teacher followed up with this question: “What can we do when we feel frustrations with our siblings or with other family members?” I grew … Continue reading