Mother’s Blog About Mentally Ill Son Goes Viral

A mother has written a blog that has been passed around the internet via Facebook and in links in several other blogs and news articles. In it, she discusses her fear that her son will someday do something similar to what Adam Lanza did in Connecticut. It is an eye-opening piece of writing. Yesterday, I wrote a blog that clarified that not all people who have Asperger’s Syndrome are violent. Some can, and do, express loud, verbal, outbursts or may push someone away from them. Typically, the violence that people with Asperger’s Syndrome express is not premeditated or planned out. … Continue reading

When Children Are Violent

Could your child become violent or aggressive towards you? I don’t think there is a parent in the world who could look at their young child and think that one day he or she would be violent towards them. Sadly, this is becoming more and more common. Children are becoming violent and the person who is taking the brunt of that violence is their parent. Some children quickly learn how to manipulate and control their parents and that can lead to more aggressive behavior when they are older. The very people who love a child are the ones the child … Continue reading

Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

Tonight while working on my scrapbooking, I pulled out a picture that instantly brought tears to my eyes, and terror to my heart. Twelve years ago, my mother had to place her husband in a care facility. He had been in a car accident, sustained dementia, and had become abusive to the point of holding a gun on her and threatening her life. After she placed him, she asked me and my little family to come live with her. I moved in, bringing my husband, my little daughter, and my very pregnant belly. Her husband figured out a way to … Continue reading

Would You Let Your Preschooler Watch Violent Television?

A couple of weeks ago, we went downtown to see the Chinese New Year parade. It was great fun, especially since this year it was not sleeting. After the parade, we picked up some steamed buns, ate some chocolate lucky money, and perused some of the stores. I got my daughter a backpack for kindergarten this fall. It’s covered with anime nature characters and little smiley faces. As we took the bus home we examined the backpack and discovered that one of the little smiling cartoon characters was carrying a gun. Discussion ensued, and we decided that taking a picture … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for January 7-13

Last week was the first full week of 2008. Resolutions were set and being tackled full force. Which meant Aimee and I were busy bringing you a bunch of interesting articles. In case you missed any part of last week due to tending your resolutions, here’s what we wrote on: Monday, January 7 Why Does My Pet Play in His Water Bowl? If you have a cat like my Mr. Meow who definitely plays in his water bowl, Aimee provided insight into this mysterious phenomenon. Is Your Cat Stressed? Aimee listed some signs to look for that your cat may … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for July 25- August 4

I missed the Week in Review last week due to a sick baby. I’ll cover the last two weeks in this summary. There have been a variety of topics covered in the blog in the past two weeks. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. Working women change jobs. This is a fact of life. There will be times when a woman makes a change, only to discover that she is pregnant shortly after starting the new job. Learn how to handle this situation in Pregnancy and Your New Job. Amusement parks are a fun part of the … Continue reading

Is There Ever a Time to Be Violent?

Many Christians have asked themselves this very question. While in the midst of a war, I’ve heard other Christians bring up the question, “Do you really think Jesus agrees with the violence? What would Jesus do?” If we believe what the Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Then we can look back through the Bible and read, even from the Old Testament, the character of God. The instruction God gave the children of Israel to claim their promised land might have some people questioning the gentle heart of … Continue reading

Tips to Help Your Child re-Handle a Violent Conflict

Nonviolent Conflict Solving is necessary if we choose to instill peaceful values into our children. Given the degree of anger and violence in society, children may need to know, as early as possible, how to handle disagreements with each other without letting their anger get out of control, and without using violence. As they develop physically and cognitively, children can be helped to use the conflict-solving methods that worked for them in their early childhood days to problem solve around the more complicated problems that appear in adolescence. We’re not violent so why should we teach this to our children? … Continue reading

Calling Non-Violent Men to Reclaim the Knight

Calling all Knights: We need your help to reach all men. It’s time to come out of your caves and draw a line in the sand with your sword. The silent majority are often taken as agreeing with an issue. Sexual violence against women and children is an issue surrounded in secrecy, dominance and re-perpetrations. Sexual violence is a gendered crime which means that far more men than women perpetrate atrocities against women and children. Does your silence mean you agree that sexual violence is an acceptable thing to have occur? If not, speak up. Men are part of the … Continue reading

Stepmoms Make Primetime TV!

This must be national Scared Straight week for potential future stepmoms and blended families! It seems like everywhere I turn, various popular TV shows are featuring some really scary stories about stepmoms-gone-wrong. In case the notion of the Wicked Stepmother wasn’t already burned into our social subconscious, this week will firm it up! Highlights from this week: Dr. Phil: On today’s show, titled The Final Ultimatum Dr. Phil features a stepmom who hates her stepdaughter. Yes, you read that correctly, she seriously hates the child. She refers to her as a “little thing” or a “monster”. Thank goodness that the … Continue reading