Is It Okay To Be Angry With God? – part 2

In my last blog we looked at the question, is it okay to be angry with God? We looked at some Old Testament characters that were angry. Today we’ll look at some people from the New Testament. When we come to the New Testament and the sisters Mary and Martha, we find, in concern for their brother when he was sick, they sent to Jesus to come and help, John 11:3. Instead of immediately rushing to their aid, even though he loved this family, Jesus delayed another two days before setting out, John 11.6. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus … Continue reading

Is It Okay To Be Angry With God?

Recently I heard some bad news about a dear friend and it upset me. I have to say my first thoughts were, ‘Why Lord? Why would you allow this to happen to someone whose only desire has been always to worship and serve you?’ Behind my questioning there was more than a hint of anger. So, what do you think? Is it okay to be angry with God? When we look at the Bible, our guidebook for living, we see several Old Testament examples of people who were angry with God and let Him know about it. Job is angry … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “God Meant it Unto Good”

In this week’s gospel doctrine class, we read of numerous people who were responsible for the Savior’s death. Today, I would like to focus on Judas, the disciple who knowingly betrayed the Son of God. Imagine with me that Judas had remained a righteous disciple. Had he remained true to the Savior, the Lord would not have been crucified. Had He not died, He would not have been resurrected, thwarting the plan of salvation. Thus it is obvious that the deceitfulness of the disciple had been known and planned for from the beginning. Does this sort of knowledge excuse Judas? … Continue reading

Allow for Differences

Just recently I’ve been struck again by how often Christians compare themselves with other Christians. Sometimes it is to our detriment. We feel we are not as gifted, as spiritual, as friendly, as prayerful or serving as much as they are. We might feel their prayers are being answered, while ours are not. But perhaps the problem could be more than we are not listening to or liking the answer we’re getting. Just because God answered someone else a certain way in a certain situation does not necessarily mean He is obliged to answer us the same way. What is … Continue reading

Dealing with the Diagnosis of Your Child

My daughter was only a delicate six-day-old baby when the pediatrician’s office called and asked my husband and me to come to the office at 6 o’clock on a Friday night. He told us, frankly, that she had cystic fibrosis and followed it up with a “but people with CF are living into their 30s now”, as if those words could comfort us. At the time, I didn’t know what CF was, let alone that half of those who have it don’t live to be 37. Almost immediately, the normal baby blues turned into a deep depression. And for the … Continue reading

When Obstacles Come

Obstacles can have one of two effects on a person. They can cause you to decide it’s all too hard and give up, or that can make you all the more determined to persevere. The reality is we are all going to experience obstacles in our Christian life. It might be people at church who are not welcoming and don’t seem to appreciate or even recognize your gifts. It might be a spouse who doesn’t want you to go to church. You have been praying for them for years but nothing seems to change. I know the experience of praying … Continue reading

The Prayer That Never Fails

The prayer is ‘Thy will be done.’ Recently I came across this is a novel by Jan Karon. At the time it made sense and didn’t sound so hard. But then God, as He so often does, made me put it into practice. In our family a situation occurred where this was tested to the limit. I spent a lot of time pleading, cajoling, arguing and trying to convince the Lord to answer my prayer the way I wanted Him to. I found endless reasons why it would be better for everyone the way I suggested. In the end I … Continue reading

The Way out of Despair

Lamentations is not exactly the book you expect to find hope and encouragement. Its very name implies otherwise and yet there are some great verses filled with hope and joy. The writer of Lamentations is not identified, though many believe it was Jeremiah. If you read Jeremiah and all that happened to him and read Lamentations with that in mind, it’s more than likely. The writer of Lamentations was doing it hard. He felt he had been given suffering and affliction by God, Lamentations 3:1. He felt completely in the dark, Lamentations 3:2. In his view God had repeatedly turned … Continue reading

Why Do We Experience Hardship and Suffering?

There’s no doubt some Christians seem to sail through life while others have a hard time. They go from one crisis to another. To our human mind it may seem unfair. We wonder what God is doing. How can He allow some people to suffer so? Have you ever felt like this? I know I have. Paul gives some clues to this question in 2 Corinthians 1:1-11. We can take note of what Paul says because Paul is appointed to his task through Jesus Christ, verse 1. Paul explains in this passage to the Corinthians and and also to us … Continue reading

In a Seemingly Hopeless Situation?

Have you ever felt you are in a seemingly hopeless situation? I’m sure that’s how Martha and Mary felt too. By the time Jesus arrived Lazarus had been four days in the tomb. If ever there was a seemingly hopeless situations this was it. Martha believed if Jesus had been there this would not have happened. There is an element of accusation in her words, John 11:21. It is followed by an affirmation of faith, verse 22. Jesus encourages that faith, bringing it to a higher lever, verses 25-27. Mary’s response is similar to that of Martha, verse 32. Jesus … Continue reading