In Awe

A friend of mine told me about a girl that I knew nothing about the other day, but it really impacted me, and I’ve been thinking about her ever since. I haven’t read her book, or been a long-time reader of her blog like I’m sure many people have, but I am impressed by her selflessness. If the whole world could have her attitude and obvious trust in God in all things, then the world would definitely be a better place. Her blog is here. She is 23 years old. And, she has adopted 13 Ugandan girls. Yes, it blew … Continue reading

Here Come the Freebies! – Week of September 14, 2011

It is always nice to get something for free. This is especially true if you are on a tight budget, and really don’t have the money to spend on “extras”. Freebies don’t last for very long, though. They either run out, or expire in a short amount of time. If you see something in this list of freebies that you like, then you should hurry to go get it. Do you have a Kindle? If so, then you should check out this huge list of FREE ebooks for the Kindle reader. There are 225 books to choose from, and all … Continue reading

Celebrity Train Wrecks We Just Can’t Turn Away From: Doug Hutchinson

If you’ve read any of my blogs, you know I love a good celebrity train wreck. Yet, at the same time, I remain mostly an optimist. Yes, I am begrudgingly happy Britney Spears seems to be back on track. Begrudgingly because I honestly don’t think the poor thing has had a good single since “Oops!…I Did It Again.” Yes, I am begrudgingly hoping for a miracle in that Lindsay Lohan can get her act together. Begrudgingly because I’ve never actually seen one of her movies and as annoying as she is at this moment, from what I’ve heard, she was … Continue reading

Time Apart Isn’t a Bad Thing

Recently I have been thinking about how far my marriage has come. There was a time when my husband and I couldn’t seem to handle allowing the other one to go off and do something without each other. I recall the first time I wanted to attend a conference out of town with some friends. This was several years ago and it was called, “Hearts at Home.” As a mom with three young children, it sounded like the perfect opportunity to not only get away and get refreshed but empowered to come back and do my job as a wife … Continue reading

Mother’s Day is Meaningless

Do I really mean that Mother’s Day is meaningless? Yes I do, under certain circumstances. It is meaningless to make a fuss over your mother and celebrate Mother’s Day with a special lunch or dinner and gift of you don’t show her the rest of the year that she is important to you. If you treat her as someone who is there to pick up after you and look after your needs but never stop to think about her and how she is feeling then, why be a hypocrite and celebrate Mother’s Day? The same could be said about husbands … Continue reading

Curriculum Favorites and Disappointments: History

As the school year comes to a close it is time to reassess what is working and what needs to be expelled from my homeschool. I will be taking the time to list curriculum that I loved and curriculum which led to disappointment. Some of the curriculum was sent to me for review and some I purchased. Nothing I reviewed has been given favor nor was I required to review it for this site. I will start off by giving you my assessments of History programs I have become familiar with over the past few years. I apologize if anything … Continue reading

What Does the Average American Think About the Average Mormon?

In the January issue of the Liahona, there was a great article by Elder Dallin H. Oaks that you can share with your non-mormon friends. It is titled, “Fundamental to Our Faith“. He begins the article by showing some startling statistics about what Americans think of Mormons as published in the recent book, How Americans View Mormonism, by Gary C. Lawrence. He says, “Three-quarters of those surveyed associated our Church with high moral standards, but about half thought we were secretive and mysterious and had “weird beliefs.” Did you know that only 14 percent could say that our main claim … Continue reading

Watch Your Words

Whether we like it or not, our words define us. They reveal out thoughts and heart attitudes. Jesus knew this. See Matthew 12:34-37 and Mark 7:15-23.You know it too. Listen to someone you know talk. It is easy to pick up clues about the type of person they are from the words they say and the tone of voice in which it is said. Impatience stubbornness, anger, impatience, jealousy will all show up in a person’s words or tone. So will love, gentleness, generosity, patience. Before you jump in and add your thoughts to a conversation, can I suggest you … Continue reading

Buying Gifts for Your Spouse

Since it’s coming up to Christmas, I thought it would be good to cover the subject of buying gifts for your spouse. Before you can go out and buy a gift it is much easier to start off with an idea in mind. Otherwise you are likely to spend a lot of time wandering around looking at things and coming home with nothing. Some families I know ask for suggestions of things the person would like. This is particularly helpful if they want a certain book and CD, so that you end up with the right title. It can also … Continue reading

Showing Affection

Showing affection- some people are good at it. It comes as naturally as breathing to them. Others are not so good at it and need to learn how to do it. In marriage it is important. Those little signs of affection can really make a difference to how your spouse feels. In a recent forum one of our members said how she misses not getting the little signs of affection. Her husband gives them to someone else but not to her. That’s a sad state of affairs, when he is buying flowers and showing admiration for someone else and not … Continue reading