How to Conquer Fear

Fear can stop us achieving our potential. It can stop us trying new things. Now I admit even as I write this, I’m writing it to myself as much as anyone. I’m not the most fearless person out. There are some things I wouldn’t do because fear stops me. That’s okay, if they’re unimportant things. But what if it is something God is calling you do to and you let fear stop you? That’s an entirely different matter. The other day my husband and I were talking about before we moved. We’d put our house in Orange on the market … Continue reading

Pray and Wait for God’s Answer

When you pray do you expect your prayer to be answered? Are you waiting on God and listening for His answer? Let me share one experience of how God answered my prayer. Recently I was asked to do a talk in front of a large number of women in a couple of months. Now, I’m happy to stand up and sing in front of a crowd any time but speaking is not always such an easy task or comfortable area. But it wasn’t about how I felt about it but about what God wanted me to do. No matter how … Continue reading

The Creator and the Created

This week I’m going to tell you about a book I’ve recently read. It has been published since 2006 but I only just now caught up with it courtesy of the library. The author wasn’t one I was familiar with but having read this book I am likely to read more of her work. The Novelist by Angela Hunt is about Jordan Casey who has written a number of Rex Tower novels. While teaching a writing course at a local community college she is challenged by one of her students that she is not investing enough of herself into her … Continue reading

A Fresh Start

If you had your life to live again, how different would it be? Would you make the same choices, and decisions, choose the same marriage partner or would go make the same mistakes? We might speculate about what we might do if we had the chance to start over but we don’t really know. It is all guess work because we can’t start over. Or can we? The Bible says we need to start again. Everybody needs to make a fresh start. How can we do this? This same question plagued the Pharisee Nicodemus when Jesus told him he must … Continue reading

It’s Up to Parents to Act

Pick up any newspaper and you will see evidence of crime, violence, rape, murder, brutality, theft, drug and alcohol abuse, road rage, the list goes on. Given today’s world and the way society is headed, it has never been more important that parents take their parental responsibility seriously. Too often parenting is being left to others rather than the child parents or is simply abdicated all together because it is easier to let children get away with misbehavior than to correct it. It may be in the short term. It is not in the long term and sadly our society … Continue reading

Do We Really Want to Know?

The problem is not that people can never know God’s will and know God’s character, more often it is that we don’t really want to know. We don’t want to know, because we’re afraid it may require some response from us. That’s why many people claim to believe in God. But when it comes to putting their trust in Jesus and letting Him be Lord of their lives they baulk. The bible tells us if we want to know what the character of God is like, then we need to look at Jesus because Jesus and the Father are one, … Continue reading

Do We Really Want to Know?

The problem is not that people can never know God’s will and know God’s character, more often it is that we don’t really want to know. We don’t want to know, because we’re afraid it may require some response from us. That’s why many people claim to believe in God. But when it comes to putting their trust in Jesus and letting Him be Lord of their lives they baulk. The bible tells us if we want to know what the character of God is like, then we need to look at Jesus because Jesus and the Father are one, … Continue reading

Triumph over Evil and Hate

Sometimes you read a book or watch a movie or play that resonates with your Christian life. Last night was like that for me. Last night my husband and I, along with two other couples, went and saw The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. You’ll find more info about it here or in the marriage blog. But one thing that struck me was not just the story but the theme of the play which is the triumph of good over evil, love over hate. And isn’t that what the gospel message is all about? People disobeyed God and their … Continue reading

There’s a Need – So What?

In my last blog we looked at how God wants workers not shirkers. So you’ve been asked by someone in your church or community to take on an area of ministry or service. Should you dive right in, even if you’re not sure about it, because you have been asked and because there is a need? I know some churches would advocate that if there is a need you should fill it. But and as far as I’m concerned it’s a big BUT… Never mind what someone else thinks you should be doing, is it what God wants you to … Continue reading

God Wants Workers not Shirkers

‘God wants workers not shirkers,’ that’s what a visiting minister told us one day in his sermon. Sadly, the case in too many churches is that too much is left to too few workers. This was never the way it was intended to work. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:4 that there are varieties of gifts and God expects us to use them. There are varieties of ministries, 1 Corinthians 12:5. Some people have a real knack for one to one relationships and welcoming people, but ask them to play the piano or do some up front job and … Continue reading