Preparing Children for the Real World

Recently I started back to college to work on my Masters degree. Going back to college reminded me, sadly, of the difficulties that some have standing firm as a Christian when they go to college or enter the world for the first time. I have known of several individuals who I thought were strong in the faith prior to leaving the home, only to be drawn away by Satan’s wiles. Young adults are at a very impressionable age in their life, and they must be firmly grounded and prepared to overcome temptation and remain firm in the faith. Preparing children … Continue reading

Curbing the Gimmies

Is your toddler or preschooler having a bad case of the gimmies, where she wants every toy, snack or object in the store. Shopping with a young child can be tough, especially if the child has a melt down whenever he can’t have everything he sees. Here are some techniques for curbing the gimmies and setting limits. The both of you will be happier for it. Delayed gratification is tough for a toddler or preschooler. They don’t have the emotional maturity to handle all of the temptation, and they don’t understand why they shouldn’t have something. One way to cut … Continue reading

Sin Separates

Sin separates . . . A husband and wife who vowed to love one another until death parted them Sisters who used to share all their secrets A mother from her child A child from his father Cousins who grew up together Friends who were closer than siblings Christians from their brothers and sisters in Christ Man from His Heavenly Father Is sin worth separation? Is the temporary, passing pleasure of sin worth losing a friend, spouse, or sibling? Is sin worth separation from the Lord? Sin is certainly not worth the separation from God. “Behold, the LORD’s hand is … Continue reading