Half Truths Can be Dangerous

Half truths can be dangerous. They can be just as dangerous as an out and out lie, maybe even more so. The half truth is often one that casts doubt on God, or in some way waters down the message of the gospel, or the image of the God of the bible making Him into more human image. The half truth talks about God as being a God of love and while that’s certainly true, it’s not the whole truth. He is also a God of judgment. The half truth insists a God of love would never consign people to … Continue reading

How Open Are You?

Supposing you were being interviewed, what would your answers reveal about you? What would they reveal about your Christian life? Would they reveal anything at all? Would you make it public knowledge or try and keep it a secret, and be a secret disciple like Joseph of Arimathea was for a time. In the end though, ignoring any risk, Joseph stood up for Jesus and for what he believed, John 20:38-42. This blog is prompted by something I did recently. In an effort to help promote my book, I interviewed a character from Streets on a Map. It was interesting … Continue reading

Is the Bible Irrelevant?

Is the Bible irrelevant? Apparently many people, and some of them those who claim to be Christians, think so. That’s the conclusion drawn from statistics produced recently which showed the staggering fact that ‘less than 2 of every 10 Christians in Australia are engaging with God on a daily basis through the Word.’ This is horrifying. How can our churches grow, how can Christians hope to grow in knowledge of God, in obedience in holiness unless they are reading His Word? As I read write this I am convicted that today I have not stopped and taken that prayer and … Continue reading

God’s Warnings

Sometimes as we read the bible or as we hear about people and the choices they make, we can be wonder. Often times it happens that God has given strict instructions about something and the person has ignored it. Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden is one example that had serious consequences. Solomon was another. How can they be so stupid to ignore God’s warnings like that? I thought that this week, when I was reading about Samson in Judges 15, 16. God had provided for and given victory to Samson when the Philistines sought to do him … Continue reading

The Price of Freedom

Freedom is a word bandied around a lot these days. People want freedom to be themselves, which means to some people not having to abide by rules made by others. They want freedom from parental control, freedom from personal responsibility, and freedom from commitment. But freedom usually comes at a price as David found out. Since he was king David thought he had the freedom to do what he liked and disobey God’s commands about adultery. But what a price it ended up demanding. It resulted in him getting deeper and deeper into a web of sin, lies and subterfuge … Continue reading

Forgetting about God

As Israel was preparing to head towards the new land Moses gave them God’s commandments. You can find these in Deuteronomy 5. Deuteronomy 6 expands on these commandments but it is not just for the people of Israel but all of us who profess to follow the Lord God. Some points to note are that keeping God’s commands would result in a long, full life and great blessing. verses 2-3. However Israel was not only to keep God’s commands but to teach them, verse 7. They were to be an integral part of everyday life. God and his commands were … Continue reading

Christians and Depression

Christians should never suffer depression. That’s a common attitude from some people and it is decidedly wrong. People who claim Christians should never suffer depression have failed to understand a basic truth, that it is not something the person chooses to do. It is not showing a lack of faith or that they are lacking in their spiritual life. Depression is quite simply a medical condition like asthma or any other sickness. We don’t tell the person who has asthma it is because they don’t have enough faith or they are lacking in their spiritual life or if they prayed … Continue reading