Is Baptism Required for Salvation? An Alternate Look (2)

In part one of “Is Baptism Required for Salvation? An Alternate Look” I wrote about the argument used with the thief on the cross. Now I want to directly deal with what the Bible says about baptism, and I want to make one assertion very clear before I begin. I do not believe that baptism alone is required for salvation. I think that there is a large misconception that those who believe that baptism is required for salvation believe that only baptism is required for salvation. I do not believe that baptism alone is required for salvation, but that other … Continue reading

Is Baptism Required for Salvation? An Alternate Look

A few weeks ago my fellow blogger, MJ, wrote an article entitled “Is Baptism Required for Salvation?” Her article prompted me to write this article, which is what I call an “alternate look” at the subject matter. I certainly do not want to attack anything MJ wrote, but rather present a different view on a hotly discussed issue. I know that for me personally, it is when discussions such as this one come up that I have some of my deepest Bible study. I initially wrote this article as one installment; however, it became very lengthy, therefore I have separated … Continue reading

Is Baptism Required for Salvation?

This question has brought on long, drawn out debates. There is no doubt whatsoever that Jesus does command that we are baptized by fire and by water to enter the kingdom of heaven (John 3:5). Though most Christians acknowledge this, the question is, whether or not baptism in addition to reception of Jesus Christ in one’s heart and confession of the mouth, is what saves us. Some denominations baptize babies with the belief, as good parents, they are allowing for the Holy Spirit to touch their child’s life since their baby or child is too young to request the baptism … Continue reading

Who’s Choice is It?

Sometimes we think that we are the ones who have the choice. We choose to believe in God or we don’t. After we become a Christian, we can sometimes look back and see how God has been leading us to that point. Paul tells us in Philippians 1:6 that it is God ‘who began a good work in you,’ and that He is the one who will bring it to completion. So God is the one who began our spiritual journey, and He did it long before we even knew we were on a journey. Even before we realized what … Continue reading

Triumph over Evil and Hate

Sometimes you read a book or watch a movie or play that resonates with your Christian life. Last night was like that for me. Last night my husband and I, along with two other couples, went and saw The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. You’ll find more info about it here or in the marriage blog. But one thing that struck me was not just the story but the theme of the play which is the triumph of good over evil, love over hate. And isn’t that what the gospel message is all about? People disobeyed God and their … Continue reading

The Importance of God’s Word

The book of Nehemiah shows us, among other things, the importance of reading, and obeying God’s Word. Nehemiah 8:1-8 As Ezra reads God’s Word, the people praise God. The people gather and Ezra reads God’s words to them. All morning he reads to them and the Bible says they ‘were attentive’ to the Word, verse 3. They also worshipped the Lord. Some Things to Think About How important is God’s Word to you? Reading God’s Word should encourage us to worship Him. Have you read God’s Word today? If not, why not take time to do it now? What has … Continue reading

Week in Review: From the ABC’s to Mom’s Law

The ABC’s of Family Bliss discussed several different attitudes and actions we can implement in our homes to provide a more loving, Christ-centered environment. Tips included things such as: Never nag, be joyful, listen without needing to comment, perceive the needs of each member of your family, and encourage your family members to serve each other. Leading a Child to Christ in 4 Steps laid out ideas on how to carefully and effectively bring a child to Jesus. You must show the child the plan of salvation from the Bible. Explain the verses and ask questions. If the child is … Continue reading

False Teachers

This world is full of false teachers that deceive the minds of many. Some say they come in the name of God for a divine purpose gaining followers, some boldly speak of things contrary to Christian beliefs, and some even claim to serve the same Christ yet twisting scripture to justify their motives. The book of 2 John gives us warning regarding those who reject Christ and those who stray from doctrine. Romans 16:17-18 starts out telling us to be aware of people who are divisive and go against doctrine and to avoid them because they are not serving Christ … Continue reading

The Faithful Christian Life

In my previous blog I wrote about what the Bible teaches is necessary to become a Christian. This blog will focus on the importance of living the faithful life after becoming a Christian. A verse that always comes to mind when I am thinking about living a faithful life as a Christian is Revelation 2:10 which states: “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Although within the context the passage is talking about those who might be put to death because of their obedience to Christ, this passage indicates the necessity of remaining faithful … Continue reading