Where is your security?

When things go wrong in your life, where do you turn? To a friend, husband, wife, parent? Or do you turn to some activity to try and help you forget for a while what is happening? Many women have experienced the fear of finding a lump in their breast. I’ve known it myself. It my case it was a cyst and easily dealt with. For others the prognosis is not so good. Breast cancer – even the words can strike fear into a woman’s heart. Yesterday a dear friend and I went along to ‘Wade in the Water’ a function … Continue reading

God is Big Enough to Carry You

I think this is something too often many of us forget. Just because God is invisible to us does not reduce Him to anything weak or less significant. When in need, not every person goes running to God first. Many of us have been taught at a very young age to look for tangible outlets when in need first such as medicine, friends, an addiction, time in isolation, exercise. While some of these things are helpful, an absence of God is not going to bring benefits only the Lord can. Sometimes it takes until every tangible support is gone for … Continue reading

Sorry God, I’m Just Too Busy

I can’t be the only one who feels this way from time to time? Sometimes I feel in somewhat of a robotic mode trying to get this or that accomplished and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. Sadly the things that seem to be of most importance are often put on hold: family being a big one, but most importantly God, the giver of family, life, and even our abilities. I don’t know that we were designed to take on as much as we do sometimes. I wonder if the result of taking on more … Continue reading

Two Special Items

Tristi’s blog about the movie, ‘Walk the Line’ prompted me to write about two of the Johnny Cash items I have. The first is the last CD of songs he recorded before his death. It is titled ‘Johnny Cash, My Mother’s Hymn Book.’ The CD includes songs such as: ‘When the Road is Called up Yonder’ ‘Softy and Tenderly, ‘‘Just as I am‘ The old hymn forever associated for me and, I suspect, many other Christians with Billy Graham crusades. ‘I am a pilgrim’ ‘Where we’ll never grow old.’ This is only a few. There are 15 tracks. Some of … Continue reading

Practical Lessons from Hezekiah

If you want practical lessons about life, look at the example of Hezekiah.One of the first facts we learn about Hezekiah is that, ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,’ 2 Chronicles 29:2. At the beginning of his reign, he re-opened the temple and restored worship of the Lord. He recognized that the unfaithfulness of Israel and the way they had turned their backs on the Lord, had caused evil to come to them, 2 Chronicles 29:6-9. Hezekiah decreed that he intended making a covenant with God. He called the people to consecrate themselves. Hezekiah then … Continue reading

The Blessings in Making Good Choices

It’s pretty much a no-brainer that good choices are more likely to bring good outcomes, but I’d like to dig a little bit deeper here and look at why there is blessing in making good choices and why we should avoid doing foolish things: Father knows best: God has good reason for commanding us to abstain from sin. Sin brings destruction in our lives and sin is what separates us from a relationship with our loving Father who is the giver of every good thing. Those around us: The choices we make don’t always just affect us; they may affect … Continue reading