Why should a Christian always carry their Bible?

The Bible. It is the most precious and valuable book in this world, yet there are many Christians who do not treat it as such. I know at times I have been guilty of treating the Bible as an ordinary book, when it simply is not an ordinary book. A Christian should carry their Bible because it is the Word of God A Christian should carry their Bible because it is the Christian’s guide to how they live their life. A Christian should carry their Bible so they are always ready and prepared to share God’s Word with others. A … Continue reading

From the Standpoint of the Bible

If you are a frequent reader of the blogs I write for Families.com, you have probably noticed that I spend a good majority of the time writing about the Word of God. In fact, I would probably say that 90% of my writing deals with the Word of God, or approaches the subject matter from a Biblical perspective. I am of the very strong belief it is impossible to know the Lord without knowing His Word. I want to look at everything in my life from the standpoint of the Bible. Below I have listed just a few of the … Continue reading

Discipling Young Hearts: Femininity

Femininity is a divine gift. A mother ought to take great pleasure in teaching her daughters to glorify God through femininity. To glorify God through a characteristic one must agree with God on the definition of that characteristic. Therefore the first order of business is to define femininity from a biblical standpoint and shed the world’s view on the subject. A daughter may appear feminine in her ribbons and bows yet her tongue lashes at her father. We are to focus on having a heart to please the Lord and not superficial means of convincing the world. Let us explore … Continue reading

How Important is Timing?

Do you want to know God’s timing regarding events in your life? Following on from my last blog about John the Baptist, let’s look at the importance of timing in God’s plans, Jesus’ ministry, in the lives of those who followed Jesus and in our lives. Here are eight points from Mark 1:9-20. 1. Note the importance of timing, as verse 9 is connected back to John’s testimony about Jesus and the Holy Spirit in verse 8. The events meshed together so others could see God’s hand at work and His timing. Similarly I can look at my life and … Continue reading

Seven Steps Towards a Stronger Relationship with the Lord.

What can we learn from the Old Testament and God’s relationship with His people,Israel? Exodus 19:1-25. 1. In the third month after they set out from Egypt, Israel reaches the desert of Sinai and camps at the foot of the mountain. Verses 1-2. It is often when we are in the harsh situations, which feel like a desert, that God meets with us. 2. Moses goes up the mountain. The Lord tells Moses exactly what he is to say to the people of Israel, verse 3. God is always clear about what He tells His people. At times he speaks … Continue reading

My Year’s Reflections

The older I am getting (I know I am not that old), the more I appreciate how much things change for the good or bad as time passes. For instance, in the category of “bad” I have gained a lot of weight and become somewhat lazy. However, in the “good” category I have grown and matured in many different ways. I thought I would share the things I can see in my life (especially spiritually) that have changed for the good and consider how I could have done better. I hope this article to be an encouragement to you. Relationships. … Continue reading

The Words

The words. The words of the songs I sing each Sunday in my worship of the Lord, the Creator of the universe. The words. Do the words I sing matter? Do I know what words I am singing? Do I really need to understand the meaning of all those words? Do I really need to understand the meaning of what I am singing? Does it really matter if I am paying attention to the words that are coming off my lips? I strongly believe that the words of the songs I sing in worship matter. It is important that the … Continue reading

5 Lessons Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children

Parents have a huge responsibility in raising their children. Christian parents have even the greater responsibility of raising their children in the Lord. While there are countless experiences, lessons, and pieces of wisdom which Christian parents must teach to their children, I have chosen five which I think are vitally important to raising children in the Lord. These lessons are necessary for children to make the lifelong decision to serve the Lord when they are older. I plan to write extensively about each of these lessons in the next few blogs I write. Christian parents must teach their children that … Continue reading

God Cares about Your Mental Health

I’m beginning a new series on mental, emotional and spiritual health. It’s not something that is always looked at from a spiritual standpoint though for us as believers, it should be. We know from reading Ephesians chapter 6 that there is a spirit realm and an enemy of our soul. It is Satan who hates us and wants destruction in our lives. He mission is to rob, kill and destroy us. Though God is gracious and merciful to help us, the choice of who we are to serve is up to us. Satan is crafty and does not tempt everyone … Continue reading

Devotions of Knowledge

Knowledge is a necessity for any Christian. I know without a doubt that studying the Word of God must be an active part of a Christian’s walk in this life. God has given us His Word that we might know Him. And not only has God given us His Word that we might know Him, but that we might know what He has done, what He will do, and what He expects us to do. It seems like there are a lot of people in the world who say they know about the Word of God. However, if one engages … Continue reading