Santorum Says Americans Die From “Bad Choices”

The 2012 Presidential election is still pretty far away. Even so, it is a good idea to keep track of what individual candidates think about health insurance. Rick Santorum thinks that Americans die because of “bad choices”, and that it has nothing at all to do with lack of health insurance. Rick Santorum recently held a question and answer session with students from Dordt College, (which is a Christian college in Iowa). Rick Santorum is one of the people who is hoping to become the Republican Presidential candidate for the 2012 election. A student named Ryan Walters asked: “If not … Continue reading

The Freedom to Homeschool

At this time of year, of course we’re all thinking about the freedoms we enjoy in our country. We think about the brave men and women who, for countless generations, have fought to preserve those freedoms, some out on the battlefields and some here on the homefront, holding things together, organizing rallies, raising money. I can’t say enough to express my gratitude for the way these people have overcome their fears, their homesickness, their fatigue, and their worry about personal safety to help keep me and my family free. One freedom I particularly wish to talk about today is the … Continue reading

Teens Need Rules But They Also Need Freedoms

There is no question that teenagers need rules, which is many times not a difficult thing for parents to mete out. What can be more challenging is also giving teenagers their freedoms. It can be difficult to draw the line between the two. However some issues are non-negotiable and require firm rules. For instance rules should be established concerning a curfew, the ability to drive the family car or even in dating. In each family the logistics of those rules will vary but they should be established and then discussed. I will admit that I have no problem coming up … Continue reading

Judge Rules Insurance Requirement Does Not Violate Religious Freedom

A federal judge has decided that the requirement for all American’s to purchase health insurance, (or pay a fine), does not violate religious freedom. The judge has dismissed the lawsuit, and says that the Supreme Court will need to settle the constitutional issues. Add this to the list of court cases that were filed in response to the controversial mandatory insurance requirement. This lawsuit was filed by the American Center For Law and Justice, which is a Christian group, founded by evangelist Pat Robertson. The group filed the lawsuit on the behalf of a small group of five American citizens. … Continue reading

The Price of Freedom

Freedom is a word bandied around a lot these days. People want freedom to be themselves, which means to some people not having to abide by rules made by others. They want freedom from parental control, freedom from personal responsibility, and freedom from commitment. But freedom usually comes at a price as David found out. Since he was king David thought he had the freedom to do what he liked and disobey God’s commands about adultery. But what a price it ended up demanding. It resulted in him getting deeper and deeper into a web of sin, lies and subterfuge … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Too Many Choices?

When it comes to dieting there are numerous ways to go about it. South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, calorie counting, to name a few, are all designed to shed unwanted pounds. They all typically work providing that the person who is on the diet is dedicated and following through with the plan. Finding the right type of a diet is a personal choice. You are the one that has to stick with it, so you need to find out which one it is that you will stay dedicated to. You will probably try a few of them in your life … Continue reading

School Board Cuts out Lunch Choices

I can remember the days of walking into the cafeteria line and picking up my tray. There were no questions of what I wanted on my plate or what I planned to eat that day. I simply got my food, sat down, and ate. Things are much different in school cafeterias today. The children walk in first thing in the morning and are given several choices for their meal that day. At 8:00 in the morning students are asked to choose between three to six meal choices. In the cafeteria the children must choose among about six different types of … Continue reading

“Childless by Choice Project”

…matching pairs beat a full house. I loved this quote! I found it in one of the articles during my research on childfree/childless couples. It seems that many couples are finding the quote to be true. They are much more satisfied being a pair rather than having a full house. In one of my previous articles that dealt with different marriage types, I described a childless or childfree marriage. In the comment section there was some discussion on which term should be used. In my research on the topic I found the terms to be interchangeable and the usage to … Continue reading

Ask a Homeschooling Blogger: Is Homeschooling Sexist?

Question: I’ve been recently reading that some homeschoolers are emphasizing in their home education programs that girls are to be wives and men are to be the leaders. As a teacher I am concerned about this trend and want your opinion. Is home schooling inherently sexist and do you think something should be done to legislate how these families are teaching? It seems to me that homeschoolers may well raise a generation of women who aren’t well educated. There indeed has recently been some buzz about sexist home education. Since I have four daughters, I do of course have thoughts … Continue reading

Multiple Choice – Janet Tashjian

“Multiple Choice” is the story of Monica Devon, a teenage girl with an obsessive compulsive disorder that has not yet been diagnosed. She lives her life in a perpetual state of fear, worried that she’s going to say or do the wrong thing, rehashing everything that has happened and wondering what she could have done to make the outcome different, and blaming herself when things do go wrong. Her friends and family know that she is a little bit obsessive, but none of them realize to what extent she’s struggling. Monica is also somewhat of a genius when it comes … Continue reading