The Fitness Blog Week in Review for February 3 – 9

Good morning and welcome to Saturday. Whew, am I glad it’s the end of the week! I’m tired. There are a lot of things going on in my life right now, some good, some great and some that are not as bad as they could be. I found out more about my own health condition this week and I scheduled my surgery. I also started substitute teaching in my school district this week and that was a tremendous lot of fun! We’ve managed to pack so much into this week and next week and the week after, that I am … Continue reading

Finding Moderation

I really think finding moderation in life is an ongoing part of our Christian walk. I’m not talking about finding grey areas or being lukewarm; I’m talking about avoiding “religious” extremes that can pull you far off the center of what Christian faith should be. To further bring clarity to where I’m going here, I want to state that I don’t think we can truly serve God too much, but I do believe God calls us to balance within our servitude. When I first felt the presence of the Holy Spirit impact my life in an amazing way, I was … Continue reading

Doom and Gloom—Finding Hope in Jesus

I don’t know anyone who particularly enjoys reading about doom and gloom. Have you ever had one of those moments where you just sit and ponder life and the direction society is taking it, or what your future will bring? Yes, that’s where I’m at now. I’m pretty sure I’m over analyzing things. Sometimes I wonder if I get stuck in a rut of thought opening myself to the enemy’s whispers of lies and hopelessness. Those thoughts need to be rebuked. I know too, it’s often times like this where I come to a better understanding about myself and am … Continue reading

Family History and Heart Disease

Heart disease is a very scary thing. It is important for people to know whether they are at a higher risk for developing heart disease than other people so that they can take steps to decrease that risk as much as possible. Fortunately, you can find out about your personal heart disease risk by doing some family history research and sharing your findings with your doctor. In order to get an idea of whether heart disease runs in your family, ask your parents. If at all possible, find out whether your parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents had … Continue reading

Can You Eat Peanut Butter on a Diet?

The short answer is yes! As with anything moderation is king. Peanut butter contains 16 grams of fat and 200 calories in a 2 tablespoon serving. This scares most dieters away from touching the stuff much less finding ways to continue to enjoy it in moderation. Besides, it is hard to moderate such a small serving size. However, there are ways to keep the peanut butter and still maintain your diet. If you love peanut butter it is best to keep it in or it will be your stumbling block later on. Another factor in peanut butter’s corner is the … Continue reading

Should You Avoid Peanut Butter If You Are Pregnant?

It’s an experience no mother wants to go through: your child eats one of the most common foods found in sandwiches and cookies all over the country and suddenly their little body reacts violently with hives, runny nose, or in the worst case, a swollen tongue and airway, which can lead to choking and ultimately, death. A combination of these symptoms in the severest form along with a sudden drop in blood pressure is called anaphylactic shock. How something as common and seemingly mild as peanuts can cause a life threatening allergic reaction in a child is shocking and a … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Richard Simmons, Dieting and Fitness Guru

You either love Richard or you cannot stand him. With his passionate plea to millions, he encourages others to get healthy and live longer. Sensitive in nature, Richard knows all to well the struggle to lose weight. Richard was in search of help to guide him in his weight loss efforts in 1973. After finding none, he created his own. At 268 pounds upon high school graduation, he learned to be funny and entertaining to gain acceptance. Growing up in New Orleans he struggled to fight off the traditional cuisine there, which was mostly sweets. He tried one diet after … Continue reading

Our Children Are Watching Our Choices

What do we teach our children when we watch television together? What do we teach our children when we eat dinner together? What do we teach our children with the types of food we choose to have in our house or by the way we spend our free time? It is important to realize that our children scrutinize our every action. They notice what we eat, what we drink, when we exercise and what we value the most. They know how we spend our time and whether or not we study the scriptures on a regular basis. They know the … Continue reading

Confessions of a Moderate Single Parent

Despite attempts in my youth to get excessive and extreme, I have finally learned at middle age that I am a hopeless moderate. When I was 17, 18, 19 years-old, I would have died if anyone had called me ‘mellow,’ ‘moderate’ or ‘balanced.’ Now that I am over forty and I am increasingly coming to terms with who I actually am (at least for this stage in my life,) I realize that moderate pretty much describes my approach to just about everything. While I do not think I am completely lacking in passion and exuberance and I really do not … Continue reading

Turkey as Diet Food

I know many of us consider turkey an annual binging food that we only see on Thanksgiving so what I am about to say may shock you. Turkey is an excellent diet food. Mind you, I said turkey, not turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. I’m a very busy mother of two boys so finding time to prepare healthy meals for myself between kiddie meals and bottles is practically an impossibility. Like most mothers, if I have nothing available that can be microwaved in less than two minutes and eaten, I usually fall back … Continue reading