Wrap Up Your Finances Before The End Of The Year

I am sure that you are very busy preparing for the holidays right now. The thought of squeezing any more to – do’s onto your already gigantic list is probably not very appealing right about now. If you are up to it, though, there are a few things that you can do before the end of the year that could save you some money. Many of these things do not take that long, and the money that you could make or save doing them could help to offset the cost of all of those holiday expenses. Since you get one … Continue reading

Involve Children in Family Finances

When I was a little girl I got an allowance. I had to do chores to get this allowance. When I was really little, I would gather up all the bedroom trash cans and empty them in the big can on the service porch. When I was bigger, I had to load and unload the dishwasher. I don’t think I often got an allowance without something tied to it. In junior high school my parents tried to monetarily break me of my underachieving ways. I underachieved with amassing cash stores too. I was reading a piece by Suze Orman and … Continue reading

An Easy Way To Simplify Your Business Finances

When you own and operate your own home-based business, it can be tempting to just place all of your earnings into your regular bank account and use that same account to make all of your personal and business purchases. If this is your current business accounting strategy, it may be time to rethink things a bit and consider giving your business its own checking and savings accounts. One major reason why it is important to have separate accounts for your business and personal funds is ease of record keeping. When you keep all of your money together, it can be … Continue reading

Consumerism and Mental Health

Just about every female I know is exhausted at the moment. The reason? Christmas and its after affects. While nervous exhaustion can be brought on by having to deal with families over the holiday period, this physical exhaustion is associated with shopping for gifts, cooking extra meals and the sheer work involved in organizing that once-a-year present and food extravaganza that Christmas has become. Ask many people what Christmas means to then and the answer goes something like this: A constellation of frantic demented activities by parents (usually the mother) over what to buy their children for Christmas. Trying to … Continue reading

Jamie Lynn Spears Back on TV and Papa Spears Stays in Control

Coming soon to primetime… Jamie Lynn Spears… minus her growing baby bump. The pregnant “Zoey 101” star (and Brit’s little sis) will appear in an episode of the ABC comedy, “Miss Guided” on March 20th. But don’t be looking for signs of a bun in the oven. Show producers say the episode was shot in October after Spears wrapped “Zoey 101,” but prior to the teen announcing that she is expecting her first child. The sitcom, which is considered a midseason addition to ABC’s primetime lineup, stars Judy Greer playing a formerly awkward high school student who returns to her … Continue reading

Children, Finances and Your Choices

One of the most difficult aspects when it comes to being a parent and your finances are the trade-offs that you will have to make. It can be difficult because you want to provide the best opportunities for your children, and in some instances that can involve a lot of money. Additionally you may feel torn because you are not giving your children the quality of time that you feel they deserve. Your career choice may also be affected by your decision to have a family. You may choose to take a less competitive job so that you can spend … Continue reading

Helping Relatives with Their Finances

There are times when you may feel that you need to help out other family members financially. This can be a tricky area to go into. It is difficult to give money to someone, and then watch them use it unwisely. Loaning money to someone can also be very difficult, especially if you need the money. Also finances tend to be something that people keep to themselves, so it may be difficult to help them begin to budget or change their habits. Here are four tips when it comes to helping family members with money issues. 1) Never loan someone … Continue reading

Why Trust a New Money Blogger?

I want to start off my blogging experience at Families with a brief introduction as well as a description of why you should trust me. Money is certainly a prized possession, and it should only part your company under the best circumstances. Why should you trust me to give you money advice? Well, let me first start by giving you my background and let you decide for yourself. I am a mother and wife, who is completely responsible for my family’s finances. My husband has no interest in money-matters, so luckily it is a passion of mine. For me, it … Continue reading

More Tips on Giving Away your Cash

In my last post I talked about giving away a bit of your cash. Start with a small amount, but do it every month and watch your horizons expand. The principles of giving can be found in every spiritual practice from Christian tithing to Hindi Seva (giving of yourself). Why is giving encouraged? Giving does more for you than for the person receiving, although of course it helps the person in need as well. It helps build our inner strength, character, stretches our compassion, helps us live outside of our selfish selves. In other words, giving is good for us. … Continue reading

Finances and Giving

Admittedly, I am not the best person to be giving advice about giving and finances; so I’m not going there. There does seem to be a supernatural impact in giving though whether by our time or with money. I remember years ago when my husband and I were starting out. We were poor. We prided ourselves in not getting over our heads into debt, but did find ourselves charging our rent a couple times to make due. He was working 40 hours a week and I about 30. We were just beginning to understand what leaning on God for our … Continue reading