Fearing Science

How do you feel about science? What kinds of things come to mind when you think about science? Maybe you think about chemistry and biology. Maybe you think about doctors and medicine. Maybe you think about experiments and tests. Maybe you think about stem cells and evolution. More than likely your view of science depends on your experience with the subject. However, your view of science is probably also influenced by your faith in God. With all the talk of things such as embryonic stem cell research and evolution, does your faith in God cause you to fear science? I … Continue reading

Evidence: Science and the Bible

If you have read many of my blogs you might have noticed that I have mentioned that I am a scientist. When I am not writing for Families.com I work as a Chemistry Content Author, and in the fall I will begin working on my Masters degree in biology. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because I am excited to write about the next topic in the series I have been writing about evidence we have for the existence of God. This evidence has to do with science and the Bible. While the Bible is … Continue reading

A Theory on the Universe

I have a theory on the universe I thought I’d share here. I may be so far off that many will think I’m nuts, but like I said, it is just a theory so thanks for hearing me out. Many people have opinions of outer-space; how big it is, whether other life forms exist, how big God is… I really think God’s ways, specifically referring to creation here, are so beyond our puny minds that we will never have it figured out. A friend of mine told me an interesting theory she had about aliens. She believes there could be … Continue reading