Electing Leaders

Regardless where we stand on the political party spectrum we are all subject to authorities whether we agree with them or not. In 2008 United States citizens who are registered voters will elect the forty-fourth president of our great nation. We’ve yet to have a perfect leader, but, by the grace of God, we’ve never had a horrific madman leading the country either. People are going to fail us whether they are in high places or in low places. There is only one leader who will never fail us and He is King Jesus. As our focus draws closer and … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Personal Revelation”

Our Relief Society and Priesthood lessons for this last week were taken from our modern day apostles and prophets, and the lesson we studied in our ward was the talk given by Robert D. Hales in the November 2007 issue of the Liahona, entitled “Personal Revelation.” In this talk, we learn how we can qualify to attain personal revelation, how we obtain it, how to recognize it, and then how to act once we have received it. We qualify to receive personal revelation as we seek in faith. We are entitled to revelation about our own lives and those in … Continue reading

See Who’s Getting Oprah’s “Favorite Things”

I have always dreamed of being in the audience during Oprah Winfrey’s annual “Favorite Things” show. After all, who wouldn’t want to be the recipient of tens of thousands of dollars worth of luxurious goodies that the divine Miss O personally owns? Once the gift-giving extravaganza became an annual event, tickets to that particular show became the most sought after passes in daytime TV. Even Winfrey herself admitted that her own family members would call asking for the coveted tickets to her “Favorite Things” show. A couple of years ago, Winfrey wised up and began hand-selecting audience members for her … Continue reading

Bloomberg’s Performance Pay for Teachers Plan

The mention of merit pay for teachers has been on the voices of school and government leaders for some time now. Most teachers and teacher unions are against paying teachers based on student performance. The fear is that the teachers would no longer work together and instead been working for themselves. However, Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has devised a plan that might be agreeable to all. In his plan, individual teachers are not targeted. In 2002, when the mayor took over the public schools he decided to make performance pay a priority. In his plan, individual teachers are … Continue reading

Staying in the Race

I think one of the more challenging things for me as a Christian is to stay in the race; to keep going and not get burned out. This is not to say I ever consider rejecting God. I know that He exists as there is evidence all around me. I’m talking about keeping myself from becoming discouraged or backsliding. I do become weary on my Christian journey from time to time; I notice this more when I’m not taking the Sabbath rest I need. Sometimes I feel too like I’m fighting a losing battle against the declining morals of society. … Continue reading

Family Issues: Current Events and News

Do you watch the news on television, listen to it on the radio, check it out online, or read the paper? Do you seek out more than one source for news before forming an opinion? Today, many people get their news and form opinions based on sensational headlines, photo ops, and quickie sound bytes. There is much more going on in the world than what one can glean from these teasers. If you’ve ever watched a “Man on the Street” segment of Fox News’ “Hannity and Colmes” show, you might be surprised by how many people have no clue what’s … Continue reading

Finding Books for Family Storytime

The benefits of reading to and with your child cannot be understated. I literally started reading to Tyler while he was still in the womb. His first words weren’t the usual mama and daddy, it was library and Books a Million. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but the point is, reading has been an integral part of Tyler’s life from the beginning and it has paid off in big ways. I’m continuously amazed at how well he reads at the tender age of five. If he misbehaves and I tell him he can’t watch TV, no big deal. But … Continue reading