Get Inspired to Serve

Do you ever feel a little burned out in your calling? I have had that happen to me. Especially in callings like a president of an organization or being in the bishopric. Maybe you’re tired of your spouse’s calling? That can happen too. I know that I can get into a mindset where I’m just tired of all the work that is expected of us, and therefore, I don’t want to put in the effort anymore. We have to be careful that we don’t get too bogged down. After all, we are doing the Lord’s work. We are on His … Continue reading

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Breastfeeding

The post-partum period is a roller coaster of emotions. At least, it always has been for me. The sleep deprivation, the joy of being a mother all over again, the stress of making sure that you are doing everything just right. Breastfeeding seems to go right along for the ride in that roller coaster. I have been blessed to breastfeed my two older children for 14 months each. It was a difficult and beautiful time in my life and theirs. We bonded. I wanted it to end one day, and dreaded the time I would wean the next. This time … Continue reading

Remembering Forever

When was the last time you looked at your wedding album? Most couples don’t make a habit of pulling out their marriage memory books unless there’s a good reason to do, such as looking to see something specific in a photo or remembering what a guest or member of the wedding party wrote in a speech or toast. Other couples make it a traditional to page through their wedding scrapbook on their anniversary. This is especially true of newly hitched brides and grooms who enjoy taking a trip down memory lane. As couples age, the motivation to thumb through albums … Continue reading

Surviving Thanksgiving With Your Relatives

Thanksgiving is a holiday that usually includes celebrations in the form of whatever traditions your family has established. Over time, families change, and this can cause conflict about how and where to spend Thanksgiving. Here is some advice that you can use to help survive another Thanksgiving holiday with your relatives. There are some Thanksgiving traditions that most people who celebrate this holiday choose to do every year. People gather together with as many family members as possible, and spend time with each other. One can expect that dinner will include a turkey, some stuffing, lots of vegetables, and maybe … Continue reading

Setting it Aside for the Moment

A partnership comes with challenges as with any relationship. They say when you marry your spouse you are also marrying a family. The same is true on some level in business. If your business partner is having any family or personal issues it may have an effect on your business. Your business may suffer a time when one partner is working alone due to the other partner’s life situation. You will have to decide if that does occur if you are willing to hold down the fort or close up shop if just for a season. In addition a time … Continue reading

Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part I)

May is pregnancy awareness month! In honor of the 4 million + babies born in the United States each year, P.A.M (Pregnancy Awareness Month) and O.N.E Coconut Water have teamed up to provide pregnant women with helpful tips for a healthy pregnancy. According to P.A.M., there are five things pregnant women want. Number One: Easy Uncomplicated Labor Easier said than done in some cases. I too desire and easy and uncomplicated labor. With my first pregnancy, I wouldn’t say labor was easy. Labor is hard and largely painful work. There are certainly factors that can make labor more difficult. For … Continue reading

Venting about Your Spouse Online?

Last week, we had a frustrating situation. My husband had started a new job, he was going to an unfamiliar area, and when he came out, our car was nowhere to be seen. After looking for it for quite some time, he called the police and filed a report. Of course, my stress levels went through the roof. We are already having a difficult week, and to add this on top of it … well, we’ll just say it wasn’t something we really needed, as if you ever really need your car to get stolen. After two days, we received … Continue reading

What Kind of Child Would you Like?

So you finished the major part of the adoption application, now on to the hard questions. There is a section in the application asking what type of child you are looking for. I know this sounds like this would be an easy section but honestly it is definitely one of the hardest. The questions range from what age you are looking for, to will you accept a child with disabilities. You and your spouse should put aside some time and start thinking, praying and discussing what you are wanting. Some of the questions you should think about: Do you want … Continue reading

What I Love about Being Married- Part 2

This continues on from yesterday’s post about what I love about being married. I love that when I have a problem or am trying to work something out, my husband is the first person I turn to. He’s always gives a listening ear and often helpful suggestions. Similarly if he wants to talk something out or has a problem he comes to me, because we are each other’s best friend. I love that there is still physical affection shown between us. I love that when we go to bed at night, we are curled together and I know he’ll still … Continue reading

Help for Those Married to an Unbelieving Spouse- Part 2

Yesterday we looked at some ideas for what to do if married to an unbelieving spouse. Some others to consider implementing are: Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Yes, I think you should share your prayers and praise points with your spouse but, and it is a big but, don’t overwhelm them so they feel that is all you ever talk about. Sometimes Christians desirous of seeing someone they love come to faith have a tendency to jump in and want to turn every … Continue reading