Dispensations of the Bible

A dispensation in the Bible is a period of time in which God dealt/deals with man a certain way. There are 8 dispensations that are commonly agreed between many Christian scholars. Some scholars who do not believe in a rapture of the Christian church or in a literal millennial reign, may only adhere to 7 dispensations. The 7th and 8th dispensation might be combined as the “Dispensation of Christ’s Reign.” Under each dispensation there seems to be a means of salvation for that time: 1. Dispensation of Innocence: Began from creation and ended with the fall of man (the first … Continue reading

Tithing: Does God Really Expect Me to Give Ten Percent?

My husband was sitting with a coworker, Kevin, discussing faith. Kevin was an atheist who borrowed concepts from several world religions, my husband, Josh, a committed Christian. Kevin said something like, “Did you know the Bible teaches that Christians should give ten percent of what they make to their church? Can you imagine what would happen if people actually did that?” He was incredulous. “Yes, I can believe it,” Josh replied, “Our family tithes.” It’s interesting to contemplate a non-Christian’s view of giving such a substantial amount of money to a church. What becomes discouraging is realizing that a very … Continue reading

Works and Grace

Until recently, I wasn’t aware of the many misunderstandings people have in regard to salvation through grace rather than works. Those who have not been raised in the Christian church or have not read what the Bible has to say about being saved by grace rather than works, I can now understand why this part of Christianity has been so misjudged. I’d like to clear up some misconceptions. First of all, just because we don’t believe we’re saved by our works does not mean that good works are in vain or invalid! What the Christian faith teaches is that none … Continue reading

Is There Ever a Time to Be Violent?

Many Christians have asked themselves this very question. While in the midst of a war, I’ve heard other Christians bring up the question, “Do you really think Jesus agrees with the violence? What would Jesus do?” If we believe what the Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Then we can look back through the Bible and read, even from the Old Testament, the character of God. The instruction God gave the children of Israel to claim their promised land might have some people questioning the gentle heart of … Continue reading

Week in Review: Our Messiah to Children and Spiritual Battles

This week I wanted to address the Biblical prophesy of Jesus Christ our Messiah, the many dispensations of time in the Bible, and work on a two part series about children and the devil; one addressing when to tell your children about him and the other on giving your kids the tools for protecting themselves in their lives through by the power of God. In Jesus, Our Promised Messiah I touched on statistically how likely it is that Jesus is the messiah who was foretold throughout the Bible. Within, I provided a link that addresses 365 scriptures that He has … Continue reading