Devotions of Truth

What is truth? Does the truth change or does it stay the same? Who determines truth? Is the truth different for everyone? Is the truth different depending on the situation? Do we have to obey or live our lives based upon truth? The questions listed above are just a few of the many types of questions people, including Christians and nonchristians, ask about truth. In fact, many people spend their entire lives searching for truth. For the Christian, it is easy to answer the questions above through a study of God’s Word. The Bible is very clear concerning truth. (As … Continue reading

Seeking Inspiration for Christian Blogging

While driving home last night I asked the Lord to lay on my heart some topics to write about. As I settled in my home for the night I started getting a flood of ideas. The initial passion I had to share about the Lord came back to me. I get inspiration by: • Going to church • Looking at God’s creations • Past experiences • Books • Topics of debate • Specific scriptures • Current events • Needs of other people • Things I’d like to know more about • Studying the Word • Devotional time • My children … Continue reading

How Not To Give Advice

If you want to know how not to give advice, take a look at the book of Job. For anyone who finds themselves in a counseling situation, this book is invaluable. We have been studying the book of Job in our home bible study group. Rather than going through it in a chronological way, we were encouraged to read the book through to get an overview, then we have been looking at each of the characters and what they have to say. Job’s wife is only seen once during this book. It is far from a flattering picture. She is … Continue reading

Psalm 1: Uncompromising Godliness

Yesterday I gave a brief introduction to the Psalms as well as to David’s life, who is the author of many of the Psalms. Today we’re going to delve right into Psalm 1 and look at some of the truth there. I am going to follow a somewhat inductive pattern of study and so you might find it helpful to pull out your Bible and pen if you’re using this for devotions. The Progression of Sinful Compromise Look at the first 3 verses of Psalm 1. . .”Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the … Continue reading

Practical Lessons from Hezekiah

If you want practical lessons about life, look at the example of Hezekiah.One of the first facts we learn about Hezekiah is that, ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,’ 2 Chronicles 29:2. At the beginning of his reign, he re-opened the temple and restored worship of the Lord. He recognized that the unfaithfulness of Israel and the way they had turned their backs on the Lord, had caused evil to come to them, 2 Chronicles 29:6-9. Hezekiah decreed that he intended making a covenant with God. He called the people to consecrate themselves. Hezekiah then … Continue reading

How to Prepare a Devotional

Have you ever been asked to supply a devotional for a Bible study? The first time I was asked to serve in this capacity I was extremely nervous. I didn’t know where to start. How should I choose a topic? How do I come up with enough information to fill up the allotted time? Though the process was scary, it ended up being a wonderful blessing. Here are a few ideas for how to develop a devotional that will bless you and those to whom you speak: First things first, pray about the theme, occasion and audience. What will your … Continue reading

Why Should I Read the Pentateuch? Part 2

Part 1 of this series discussed the reasons why many people dread reading the first five books of the Bible, and why others do not attempt it at all. The following are a few suggestions for how to read the Pentateuch and enjoy it: 1. Read larger portions (four chapters or more) in one sitting. A mistake many people make when they sit down to read Leviticus, for example, is that they read only several verses to one chapter at a time. It is no wonder that when a month later, they are still reading the same book, they feel … Continue reading

Why Should I Read the Pentateuch? Part 1

Most of the people I know approach reading the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, Genesis-Deuteronomy) with one of two feelings. Either they dread reading it, but do so out of a sense of obligation, or they start off determined to “just get through it”, and end up quitting somewhere in the middle of Leviticus. Genesis is usually pretty good reading, it is filled with many famous stories such as the Creation, Cain and Abel, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau and of course, Joseph and his coat of many colors. Even Exodus is pretty interesting with God … Continue reading

Is Guilt a Proper Motivator?

My brother-in-law asked my sister a good question recently. He said, “Johanna, how much do you do because of guilt?” You see, my sister is a very busy person. She is the leader of the Billings, Montana, chapter of Young Lives. She leads and is involved in several Bible studies and serves as a mentor to several high school girls. She is a mom to a beautiful little girl and an active participant in the small groups at her church. She is always busy and always doing for others. Her husband’s question got her thinking and, in turn, got me … Continue reading

What is God Like?

As a Christian, I always think it is exciting when I find a verse in Scripture that gives me a clear picture of the Character of God. In Exodus 34, God tells Moses that He will pass by him and show him some of His glory. In fact, God says that His glory is so great that Moses will not be allowed to look on His face because the sheer magnificence of God would kill him. As God passes by Moses, He puts His “hand” over Moses’ eyes to protect Moses from seeing His face and dying. After He is … Continue reading