Consulting With God First

Each day gives a new series of choices. We can come to decisions based on past experiences of our own or others’, we can weigh out the pros and cons of different choices, and we can go with our gut. Most of the daily decisions don’t necessarily have lasting impacts on our lives. For example; will we eat now or in an hour? Will we have Italian food or Mexican food? Will I wear the red dress or the black dress (though if you are concerned about modesty, maybe you should take further consideration)? I’m not convinced that God is … Continue reading

It’s Okay to Say No

Have you ever stuggled with someone in your church or community asking you to do a job you feel almost compelled to say yes to? I have. This week, within the space of ten minutes, my husband and I were asked by two people to undertake two different jobs within our church. We’ve been thinking for a while about what tasks God has for us in this new church. A couple of thoughts had surfaced but no clear direction, so we were still praying through the issue. Then the two phone calls came. In each case we found out what … Continue reading

Are You Good or Are You Great?

Would you call your relationship good or would you call it great? A great relationship isn’t the product of a storybook tale that just happens when a fairy godmother waves her magic wand. They happen because you take charge and you make it happen. To have a great relationship, you need to be great. The things you accomplish do not define greatness, but how you accomplish them makes a huge difference. So how can you be great in your relationship? First and foremost, does your spouse know where they stand with you? Do they feel adored? Do they know they … Continue reading

Are Christians called to be Tolerant?

What do you think? When I read about Jesus I see a man that accepted those who wanted Him. Though He did accept them where they were, He did not condone their sin. Take for example John 8:1-11. The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman who was engaging in adultery. Jesus told them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Of course the accusers left. None of us are without sin. Jesus followed up saying to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Jesus acknowledged … Continue reading

The Cross of Nero

I’d like to start out with an excerpt from an article I found online regarding the life of Nero. In addition to learning about his apparent self-absorbency, perverse sexual behavior, and lack of regard for even those who were close to him; this portion of the article shows his particular hate toward Christians: “Nero, always a man desperate to be popular, therefore looked for scapegoats on whom the fire (Great Fire in Rome; July 64 AD) could be blamed. He found it in an obscure new religious sect, the Christians. And so many Christians were arrested and thrown to the … Continue reading

Denominational or Non-Denominational?

What is a denomination? For those that don’t understand the difference between a denominational church and a non-denominational church; The American Heritage Dictionary gives a good definition of what a denomination is: “A large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy.” What are the benefits of attending a denominational church? Though churches under any specific denomination can vary greatly in style from one congregation to another, their core beliefs are typically the same. A denominational church is held accountable to a head of the denomination so should … Continue reading

Why My Beliefs Matter

This is the second part based on a small-group series I’m working on called Values that Last. Last week’s blog was on Choosing My Standard, and this week I’ll be sharing on why our beliefs matter. How we view our world is so important because our lives are based around perception. If we believe what the Bible says to be truth, then likely (hopefully) we’ll conform to the teachings of the Word. Likewise, if we perceive life to be about feeling good, we will likely shape our ways around things that make us feel good. Views on life are critical … Continue reading

Marrying Your Best Friend

I recall helping an older lady bring groceries out to her car in the parking lot of our neighborhood supermarket I’d been working at. I was chit-chatting with her and I made mention of my upcoming wedding date. She was full of joy for me sharing that she and her husband had been married over 50 years. She volunteered that their secret to 50 years of happiness together was that they were each other’s best friend. I grew up having a best friend that I still love and keep contact with to this day. I know this lady was talking … Continue reading

What do you live for?

We all live for something, so what is it you find that excites you in life? Is there something you would drop everything for on a daily basis to do? All I can say is I’m glad I was permitted to write for’s Christian blogs, because I tend to drop other things in my day to share my thoughts here. Though what I’m studying and writing may be pleasing to God and building my own faith, it shouldn’t compete with direct devotional time with Him. People live for lots of things: Their careers, spouse, kids, social status, vanity, sports, … Continue reading

Marriage Series: Intro

I have been eager to write on marriage because there is so much of a correlation between marriage to our spouse and the covenant between us and God as born again believers. In the similar way God instituted parental roles to give us a better understanding of our relationship with Him, I believe marriage shows us a bond of what is supposed to be the deepest commitment. In the Bible, the church is likened to the bride of Christ. Ephesians chapter 5 goes into this with instruction of how we are to be toward our spouse. 2 Corinthians 11:2 Paul … Continue reading