The Same Seed But Various Responses

People respond to God’s Word in different ways. In Mark 4:1-20 Jesus tells a parable that highlights those differences. Take stock and decide which one of the following is most like you. 1. The people listening heard the words but despite Jesus’ admonition to listen, they did not listen to what he was saying. It was a case of hearing the words but the meaning went over their heads, verse 3. The words had no effect on their lives. Are you one who lets God’s words go over your head? Or do you take notice and really listen to what … Continue reading

Cleansed And Commissioned But Contrary.

Contrariness seems to be second nature to some people. They want to do the opposite of what they are told. We see an example of this in Mark 1:40-45.What about you? Does this description fit you? 1. Interestingly the leper didn’t doubt the power of Jesus. He didn’t doubt His ability to heal him. The issue, as far as the leper was concerned, was not whether Jesus could heal him, but would he be willing to? Do we fall into this category of being unwilling to believe Jesus is unwilling to meet our deepest longest and requests? Jesus said in … Continue reading